
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Beast Mode, Turkeys, & Teens - Oh, My!

Last night I weighed in down 2.4 lbs!  That leaves 1.8 lbs until we evaluate whether or not I should change my goal weight of 130 lbs.  Whether we make any changes at that point or not I'm considering using whatever I weigh on January 6th as reaching goal.  Will see how I progress in Beast Mode before I make anything official since I won't be done with Body Beast until February.

Week of Workouts

Friday was Build: Legs again.

Saturday was Build: Back/Bis.  I have never been able to do a pull-up or chin-up.  This adds some complication to the workout.  My doorway is too big for a pull-up/chin-up bar.  There's also no door so I couldn't do a resistance band with a door attachment.  So I used my Slim in 6 resistance band and wrapped it around my feet.  I held my feet up against the side of the couch.  This kind of worked but would like to try something different this Saturday.  Any suggestions?

I played around with a few different poses to see if there are any changes from week to week.  This is what I came up with.  I asked Austin if there were other poses I should do.  He said how would he know and I replied that he's a boy! LOL  No response after that.  Should I add any others for week 2?

Sunday was back to Build: Chest/Tris.  I'm guessing it's because I did this the day after Back/Bis but this workout was more difficult this time around.

Monday I woke up with a double sinus and tension headache so I didn't complete a workout.  The sinus headache went away (and returns) but the tension one just doesn't want to let up.

Back to the grind on Tuesday with Cardio & Abs.

This morning was Build: Shoulders.

Thanksgiving & Austin's Birthday

I picked up the 13 lb or so turkey Monday night.  We'll have mashed potatoes and gravy.  Benny will have his asparagus and red cabbage (can't stand the smell of the stuff).  Not sure what veggies I'll do for myself.  I never plan, fix or buy a dessert but I kind of want one.  What's on your menu?

Austin will turn 13 Friday and I have everything to make our version of a Pokeball cake.  Keep an eye out on Instagram for pictures!

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. They grow up so fast! Happy birthday Austin!!!! I picked up my 15 lbs fried turkey. I get stuffing today (don't judge). You should do a back flex pose. LOL. #wowlinkup

  2. I love all of your poses!!! HAppy Birthday Austin, have a happy thanksgiving! #wowlinkup

  3. Great loss this week-- I love the pictures with the caption-- hilarious! :) Have a fabulous thanksgiving!!

  4. Great week of workouts! If you have a sturdy desk or table you could also use it to do modified pull ups under the table :) #wowlinkup

  5. Congrats on your weight loss! I'm excited to see how things go and follow you into the new year. I also loved your photos!!! I second Amanda's modified pull-up idea if you can't get to a gym to try an assisted pull-up machine. #wowlinkup

  6. Great week of fitness! Keep up the good work #wowlinkup
