
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Aftermath

This frozen turkey weighed in last night with a 2 lb gain.  I didn't eat much on Thanksgiving....I think it was mostly Austin's birthday cake.  I had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans with onions.  Benny ate his red cabbage and asparagus instead of the green beans.

Austin's Birthday

Austin was so ready to open presents when he arrived Thursday.  We told him he had to wait until Friday to open anything other than the birthday card that came in the mail from a Great Aunt.  Shortly after midnight here he came ready to open everything! LOL

The cake itself was a fail because the icing kept melting so I couldn't get the sprinkles right on the red side.  Austin added only 12 candles - 6 pink and 6 white on opposing colors.  I said we needed a 13th one since that's how old he is.  So he added a blue one to the middle section.

Week of Workouts

Thursday was fitting with leg day for Thanksgiving, even though I don't eat the legs LOL.

Friday was supposed to be shoulders but I went with Build: Back/Bis instead.

Saturday I went ahead and worked my shoulders.

Sunday began week 3 with Chest/Tris.

Monday I had another double headache so I made it a rest day.  I've added my headaches to the list of things to talk to the doctor about when I see him next week for my annual physical.

Tuesday I got my Cardio & Abs in.

This morning was leg day again.

Colon Cleanse

I originally signed up for Benny to do the colon cleanse but he was having issues with the probiotic so I never had him take it.  I then figured I'd try it to combat Thanksgiving and Austin's cake.  I took the first dose with Saturday's brunch.  After Sunday's dose I had to go twice but felt weird all day.  Monday I forgot to bring the bottle with me to work so I didn't have any.  I took Tuesday's dose with lunch.  Today I took the dose with an Orgain shake.

I haven't gone since Sunday. My body likes to do things the opposite of the norm (i.e. cheese loosens me up) so perhaps this colon cleanse is having the opposite effect, contributing to the gain.  I will continue with the cleanse the rest of this week to see if anything changes.

If you've done a colon cleanse (pills or liquid) how long did it take for you to notice any change?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Aw is that a Pokemon cake? How fun! I would have loved to eat it! Nice job with your workouts! #wowlinkup

  2. Sounds like you had a good week of workouts! Great job! How are you liking Body Beast? I might have to try it one of these days. #wowlinkup

  3. Happy Birthday Austin! Looks like a great week of workouts...go you!

  4. I have done a cleanse but with a liquid EOV and it works. Mad energy too!!!! You are doing great and wow you have a TEENAGER!!! #wowlinkup
