
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sleeping through Tai Cheng Week 12

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan /

I busted right on through the 30 lb weight loss barrier that holds so many back!  There's only about 19 lbs left until I reach my second goal of 50 lbs.  Will I manage to reach it by my birthday week or my birthday month?  Only time will tell!

I haven't thought of my goals between the 50 lbs and my target weight of 130 lbs.  What do you recommend for the next stages?

During this week's Weight Watchers meeting they were talking about building a better salad.  I was saying that I'd have a fruit salad because I don't like so many vegetables (yet), especially raw ones.  Because I'd hit another 5 lb loss target the leader asked me to say what my total loss was.  Everyone seemed to be in disbelief that someone could've lost 30+ lbs without eating much fruits or vegetables!  All I've done is eat smaller portions, stopped drinking soda and started drinking water (almost exclusively), started eating at least one fruit or veggie a day, and started exercising.  So again I say, if I can do this ANYONE can!

Tai Cheng has become completely boring not putting all 18 moves in sequence.  I just wasn't able to concentrate on any of it this week.  It feels so blah during the Neural Reboot.  I did each the sequences once on each side (faster than they were doing them on the DVD) then skipped to the next one.  When I was done with the third sequence I let the DVD play out while I finished making a fruit smoothie.  This 4 point smoothie tasted good but it wasn't filling so I need to figure out what I want to add to it to make it last.

One morning this week I peeked at day 1 of week 13 since it's on the same DVD.  It was EXACTLY the same as week 12!  Two weeks of boredom is going to make me pull out my hair!

Someone requested the Hip Hop Abs and Rockin' Body DVDs so I had to return them to the library.  That, in combination with not really having anything to cover up that big window in the front room, is leading me to do Slim in 6 next.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. You really did burst RIGHT ON THROUGH that plateau! I can say that I plateaued at 30 pounds for a LONG time! Congrats on that!

    1. I'm just hoping the boredom isn't going to cause a plateau or gain. One more week and then a new program!

  2. GOod luck with your goal! And I'm not big on a lot of raw veggies and its crazy how just giving up soda will help you lose weight. All that darn sugar is evil! Continued success to you!

  3. Brilliant! Congratulations on breaking through.

  4. Congrats on the breakthrough. You're right about smaller portions & drinking water; I lost about 10 pounds over a couple of months just by drinking water instead of soda.
    Maybe if the workout is the same this week & next week--change it up by turning off the volume and getting your own music?

    1. I can only picture soothing music with Tai Cheng and that would put me right back to sleep! So I opted for the music to be off on all the DVDs. Just listened to the instructions on the various moves.

  5. Cassi,
    It is so hard to break through a plateau. You should pat yourself on the back. I have a suggestion that you change your photo every milestone you get. Drinking a lot of water is important. Actually smaller portions several times a day is healthy for you. Stay the course

  6. Yay! So happy for you...more success to you. My friend lost the weight she had been carrying around since her teens by running...try it out if you feel guided to. Good luck!

  7. I don't like raw vegetable either. If you call tomato is a vegetable then it is the only raw vege I can eat. So happy to hear about your progress. Good luck with your August's goal.

  8. Firstly congratulations!
    I don't like raw vegetables either. They must be cooked (sometimes a little too well) for me and I need to add flavour. Lemon juice, spices, cooked with the meat with a sauce etc. I eat a fair bit of protein that keeps me satiated for longer (although I have been off meat for the last 6 weeks and only able to eat fish - it has been very trying indeed!)
