
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tai Cheng Week 11 Completed

Photo Credit: Mason Masteka via Compfight cc

Another pound gone.  I'm .8 lbs away from the big 3-0!  This week I've read many posts where others have reached this milestone and plateaued for weeks.  I'm hoping to not be just another statistic stuck at the 30 lb loss.  I must reach the peak of this mountain and move on to the next one.

Photo Credit: Patrick Gensel via Compfight cc

Still trying to stretch out doing the splits during the reboot.  Nothing changed there.

In the same format as last week the Tai Chi portion repeated the second and third sequences (weeks 6 & 9). This piecemeal business is for the birds!  I'm thinking about skipping out on the last two weeks for the sequence portion.  Just do the Neural Reboot 4 and pop in the master scroll to do the whole sequence in one fluid motion.

After Tai Cheng this morning I took a look at "Hip Hop Abs: Hips, Buns, & Thighs" and "Rockin' Body".  I was thinking that his voice sounded familiar.  Suddenly it dawned on me.  Shaun T is a buffed up Will Smith! Is it just me or does anyone else see this too?

Will Smith Photo Credit: Alan Light via Compfight cc.  Shaun T Photo taken by me of the Hip Hop Abs cover.

I might be able to do the "Rockin' Body" workout if we can get a TV and DVD player set up in the front room.  Where we have everything set up for TV viewing just isn't big enough with the furniture.  We're currently just using the front room for storage.  I might want to put something to cover up the window though so everyone driving by won't see me working out LOL.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Way to go, Cassi! You've done so well with your weight loss. I've heard that Tai Chi is indeed fab exercise for everyone. But I admit to loving the music and social interaction of Zumba!

    1. I've seen Zumba clips. Too much bouncing for me! I'd need several support bras to be able to tolerate it. LOL

    2. Hi Doreen-
      Can you recommend a good Zumba video? Just hearing Latin music makes me want to dance ---- this is a problem in the car where I sometimes start drive/dancing at red lights---until I look over at the driver next to me watching, then I slink down in my seat and try to look inconspicuous --- but then it's too late --- yes, I was that Boomer lady rockin' it in her car ;-)

    3. Suzanne-
      I use the X-Box Kinect Zumba Rush and love it! I think any of the Zumba Fitness products are great!

  2. I don't know why, but I feel SO AWKWARD working out a home! I prefer the gym over at home workouts any day! I know for most people, it's the exact opposite! Congrats on your continued loss!

    1. Yes, it's awkward working out at home but that's the fun part! You can end up as silly looking as can be not having to worry about anyone staring.

  3. You are so committed and passionate about losing weight, Cass, you are bound to succeed! Don't worry about the splits. Make sure you burn a lot of calories instead!! Go for it!!

  4. Cassi,
    I feel the splits are for children. You are on such a great road to success where so many fail. Never give up. When you get a chance, check out the Bar Method of Exercise and you have any bouncing and you do lose weight and it really tones.

  5. Don't worry about others plateaus just keep pushing and you will get there!

  6. Stay the course, Cassi. You mentioned and pictured a mountaintop. I'm climbing the third highest peak in Oregon with my girlfriend a week from Saturday. Been training steadily. Wish me luck.

    1. Good luck on your climb! Pack lots of safety gear.

  7. Congratulations! I do hope you don't plateau but with the way you are going and the openness to try new fitness routines, I don't think you will have a problem :)
