
Monday, September 30, 2013

Body Gospel Week 1

I weighed in down 4.2 lbs this week.  Now if only I can get this loss more often I'd reach goal in no time!

I received my Slim in 6 shirt this week.  This time it specifically said it was a Women's XL.  However these are made it's definitely a tighter fit than a standard XL.  I think I'll have to wait a little bit before I can wear it in public.

I'd also ordered the new Shakeology sampler pack and received that this week.  It's two chocolate packets, one vanilla, and one greenberry.  I tried the greenberry but wasn't too thrilled with the flavor; it just left my mouth feeling a little dry.  Austin tried the chocolate and said it tasted different from other shakes but wasn't sure if it was a good or bad difference.  When I took a sip I thought it tasted like sugar free cocoa powder.  He didn't drink it all so I had him put it in the freezer.  I tried it the next morning and it was much better frozen.

61 Hoosiers became citizens on Thursday.  There was standing room only for the family and friends to watch it all unfold.  I was kind of squished in the front left corner for the whole ceremony.  The first hour or so was checking everyone in.  There was a 10 minute break before the ceremony, which lasted about 40 minutes.

Click here to see the pictures full size.

I'm liking Body Gospel so far.  It's not the same thing every day.  The schedule has you mixing up which workout you're doing each day.  I did Body Revival, Core Revelation, and Stretch in the Spirit this week.  Core (~20 minutes) and Stretch (~10 minutes) on their own aren't long enough for me so I put them together to keep myself going at least 30 minutes.  With the Shakeology sampler I ordered the bands too since I couldn't figure out how to effectively do a modified version with the weights.

I've received several inquiries from people responding to my request for guest posters.  Some are spot on the subject matter and others are nowhere in this realm.  Those of you that have had guest posters on your blogs, how do you sort through the madness?

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. I wondered about shakeology. Disappointed to hear it's not that great tasting. I just drank an Orgain chocolate fudge protein drink - it's the only drink I actually like the taste and gives me that full feeling.

    I went to a workshop about guest bloggers. I was told to look at other websites that have guidelines for guest bloggers. I'm thinking of opening up to guest bloggers too but not sure if I want to read through them all. Good luck

    1. Yes, I was disappointed in the flavor too. I wanted to replace breakfast during the week with Shakeology but don't know how that's going to work having to eat it like a Frosty LOL. I still have the Vanilla to try.

  2. I hope you were only reviewing the item and not considering it as part of your weightloss regimen. Those things will only lead to short term and not long term effects. If anything, if you want to incorporate healthy liquids you can try and add a green juice or fruit smoothie to your balance diet. My family started juicing, so every morning we'll have a green juice of leaves, cucumber, ginger, apple, or mix in beets, carrots. Then have breakfast and lunch and in the evening a heavy smoothie of fruits, milk (almond or coconut milk) and grounded flaxseeds.

    1. I've made a smoothie before with just fruit, milk, and yogurt. I've never tried flaxseeds for anything before.

  3. Congrats on the 4.2 pounds - that's a huge jump. Wouldn't it be great to have that every week!

  4. Wonderful news on the 4.2 loss! Yipee!

  5. Congrats on the loss! That's always encouraging to keep on keeping on!

  6. Wonderful loss this week! Have you tried making your own protein shakes and smoothies? You can find a ton of recipes online and I make my own protein shakes all the time and use them sometimes in place of breakfast or after a nice hard workout. I do have a lot that I've found that I like posted on my fb page in the "notes" section if you want to check them out, if you find you don't care for Shakeology. And I just buy the protein powder from any sports store. (I usually get mine from Academy Sports but they sell them just about anywhere). One big tub lasts several months for me.

    1. Many of your smoothies sound delicious! I've heard of most of the ingredients but haven't seen them at the grocery store. Are things such as xanthan gum only found at a health food store?

  7. I did not like the greenberry either.
    Great loss!

  8. Congrats on your journey to be healthy :)
    I've been tempted with shakeology before in the past but too bad I'm in the States. Keep going strong and God bless you :)

  9. This is progress with weight loss and prove (wasn't it just last post you had not lost anything) that your body knows what to do with the food we nourish it with. That the weight comes off with patience. Nice Cassandra.

    Over from LinkedIn group BHB.

  10. Congrats on your weight loss! It always makes me feel good to see you have lost eventually you will reach your goal and we can celebrate via a google + hangout lol. Congrat to all 61 Hoosiers for becoming citizens!

    1. I haven't tried the G+ hangouts yet. It looks like any other video chat program I've used though.

  11. You are moving right along and you got over that plateau that was driving you nuts. As they say. "All good things take time"

  12. I wonder if any of those types of shakes ever tastes good? I've never tried any, but it seems like lots of people say similar things about the flavor or lack thereof. Way to go on weighing down 4.2 pounds this week!
