
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Done Walking and What's Next

I weighed in this week down only another .4 lbs.  So now it doesn't appear that I'm going to reach my second goal by the end of the month.  It just seems as though everything's slowed down a little for me.

I did stop by Goodwill and purchased three long sleeve shirts and slacks after Tuesday's weigh in.  My size 18s are getting too big but most of the 16s there were too small.  Benny didn't like one of the shirts (a sweater) because it didn't show off my curves enough.  He said it looked like I was wearing a sack.  As for the slacks Benny said they were too wide at the bottom...something no longer in style.  So those were returned yesterday.  I didn't see anything new at that Goodwill location so we'll have to check another.

Thursday's a big day for us as Benny takes his citizenship oath.  I'm taking Austin out of school to experience the whole thing.  I hope to take a lot of pictures while we're there.  I imagine it'll be chilly in the federal courthouse so I plan to wear one of the new to me outfits.

The exhaustion continued this week and not just during the workout.  Normally this level that I'm feeling is associated with PMS but it's the wrong time for that.  So I'm wondering if I'm getting sick; although when I get sick it doesn't usually take weeks to manifest the full symptoms.

After walking a week I'm ready for something different.  I kind of liked the little break in between programs so I may go buy some of Leslie's DVDs to use whenever I feel I need it.  Yesterday I picked up three programs at the library to see which I can do that should all fit in my small space.  But then the challenge became whether or not could I physically do any of them.

With Les Mills Combat you take the most dynamic moves from some mixed martial arts disciplines (Karate/Kung Fu, Capoeira, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai/Kickboxing, Tai Kwon Do, & Boxing) and combine them into increasingly intense sequences.  I read this and said to myself "Uh, I don't think so."  Never even put the DVD in to watch it.

Brazil Butt Lift appeared to be more reasonable so Austin and I watched the first workout, Bum Bum (pronounced "Boom Boom").  There's this one move where you're walking/dancing/bouncing back and forth on the balls of your feet as if you're wearing high heels.  I can't even wear 1" heels because of the extreme laxity in both ankles.  Technically I'm supposed to wear ankle braces but then I'm really restricted on what shoes I can wear.  Unless someone knows of a modification for this move I don't know that I'm going to ever be able to do this program.

Body Gospel was the one I ended up going with.  There were several moves similar to others I'd done before.  Wow, never have I felt so uncoordinated before!  My arms didn't want to work together with my legs.  When I tried to do my arms either I couldn't keep up or it slowed my legs down.  This program is only 30 days so we'll see where it goes.

Image courtesy of [nuchylee] /

I've decided to open up this blog and have guest posts on various health and wellness related topics.  The details of what I'm looking for is posted on my lens.  About which topics in particular would you like to read?

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Exciting! The clothes are getting too big! You are still losing. Maybe this week will be a bigger week. I hope you are not coming down with something!

    Citizenship is a big deal! I hope you all enjoy the day, it should be a day to remember.

    1. I really wish whatever it is would just manifest itself so I'm not feeling so blah!

  2. I agree with Betty - I think sometimes there is too much focus on the weight loss that you forget you can see your progress through measurements - especially as you gain muscle while losing the fat. And then other times it's just about plateauing and finding something new so your body is not just going through the motions of a typical work out.

    Congratulations to Benny!

    1. Yeah, I know. I just like seeing the numbers on the scale move LOL

  3. You are doing so well! New clothes in a smaller size is great and very motivating. Keep up the good work!

  4. What a wonderful week even though it wasn't a huge loss this week. You are on a life long path and you are succeeding. Also so a wonderful congratulations on Benny's monumental day!!

  5. Just like life, you are bound to reach plateaus. But hang in there! And wonderful news about Benny... enjoy! Keep on, keepin' on :)

  6. It is wonderful your clothes are too big. Don't give up. Your body has come to a plateau and after your body excepts this weight for awhile it will still burning more calories again and you will lose the weight.

    1. So far (knocking on wood) these small losses don't stick around long.

  7. Wow! Your clothes are shrinking. That's a good sign. Love the Goodwill, you can pick up some real bargains there. I once found a pair of lightly used designer shoes that are still in my closet, years later. Congrats on the citizenship, that's very special. Sounds like everything is working out well for you - keep it up!

    1. I have wide feet so I haven't had any luck with the shoes at Goodwill.

  8. How many happy dances are you doing? Clothes getting loser and a husband who knows it too. And your husband becoming a citizen. Awesome stuff Cassandra.

    Over from LInkedIn group BHB

  9. Great job! I'm at that weird place too where the 18s are getting too big but the 16s are too small yet also. Congrats on the citizenship! What an amazing thing to experience!

    1. Yes, I don't like being an in-betweener. These 18s puff out too much with how much smaller I am that I sometimes look like I have a "package" if you know what I mean.

  10. Continue to celebrate those successes!! Great job on your journey! It sounds like you have an awesome support system cheering you on!

    Thank you for sharing!!

  11. Congrats on your success thus far! Weight loss, no matter how much one is trying to lose, is definitely a journey! And it can have those in-between times and frustrating times but be thankful you have your motivation and supporters! That can make all the difference. It's hard to do it alone!

  12. Be sure to check out youtube too. Lots of free workouts on there. Here's one popular fitness/nutrition channel

  13. Congrats on the slacks becoming lose! The between stage is awkward, but with the weight loss each week, you will be in size 16 comfortably soon.

  14. It's only a number, but how cool is it when you can fit into a size smaller?
    Well done and keep up the good work :)
