
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Body Gospel Week 2 + My First Challenge Group

I was up a pound this week I think because of TOM. Gotta kick it back up next week!

Early September I won a Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor as a part of Britton @ My Big, Beautiful, Life's Blogger-Versary giveaway. It arrived in Thursday's mail so I used it during Friday's workout.  I'm going to try to remember to take a picture of the recordings every day and post them on Facebook.  Would you rather see the heart rate, calories burned, or both?

I did Body Revival, Power & Praise, Core Revelation, and Stretch in the Spirit this week.  Both times I did Power I was hot and red afterwards.  My face stayed red even after a shower.  Could that be from my heart rate reaching the high end of the target range several times?

The foot straps on the Body Gospel bands aren't adjustable.  They stay on my feet but are still quite loose and sort of move around during some of the workouts.  Either my foot is smaller than everyone on the DVDs or someone used too much elastic on my straps.


I'm excited to host my first challenge group next month!  You saw my progress doing Slim in 6 half-assed in the summer heat. Just imagine what I could do in cooler temperatures!  So I'm hosting the Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge starting November 4th.  I'd love for some of you to join me on this adventure!  Please RSVP to the event and send me a friend request so that I can add you to the group later this month.  Be sure to purchase Slim in 6 so you can play along!  (I think you'd need to order by 10/28 to make sure it arrives in time with standard shipping.)

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Gee, if you are half assed, then I would hate to know what I am. Keep up the good work, you are inspiring :)

    1. I had a little snort laugh at your comment and Benny asked me what that noise was.

  2. i have heard of using a heart rate monitor to support weight loss. hope it works!

  3. i have heard of using a heart rate monitor to support weight loss. hope it works!

  4. I agree with are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your journey. And I love the new heart rate monitor. It's a good tool! Looking forward to your updates.

  5. Agree with Becc and Jacquie, you really are an inspiration. Keep up the good work. With your energy and determination you are sure to succeed.

  6. I love seeing calories burned when I work out. Keep inspiring others and you can't help but reach your goals. Wishing you all the best.

  7. You are such an inspiration to so many of us. Though you may not see weight loss every week you are building a healthy lifestyle. :-)

  8. I've yet to try a heartrate monitor, and I should. I used to have one on my old exercise bike and seeing the numbers can really keep a person motivated. Otherwise, I just tended to pedal slower and slower when I got out of breath. Numbers don't lie ;)

    1. It's just interesting seeing my heart rate with the different workouts.

  9. Post the calories burned please! :). I love seeing actual numbers instead of guesstimating from trackers like myfitnesspal or such. HRM watch is in my wishlist now.

  10. Love your tenacity which is so inspiring. The heart rate monitor is a wonderful idea and it something more of us should use.

  11. I didn't know it's a beachbody product - I have P90X and 10 minute trainer. Gotta say P90X - I saw a difference within a week but the commitment was too much for me. I know it says an hour a day but it usually went over, if you added the stomach it was another 15 then there is the changing and the showering - it ended up being like 1.5-2 hours a day hence I got the 10 minute trainer which I like but the workout gets boring. Perhaps I'll follow along with you doing P90X again. :) Keep it up!

  12. I'd love to see heart rate and calories burned! When I had my gym membership I was able to utilize the treadmill's built-in features and found them to be pretty spot on as far as where my heart rate was. I even borrowed a friends heart rate monitor to test the treadmill's reliability and found that the treadmill stayed fairly accurate. Maybe I'm crazy for saying this, but, I felt like I could almost predict where my heart rate was based on how hard I was breathing, the speed at which I was walking and incline. Having the monitor will help you tremendously!

  13. I wouldn't say that you're doing anything half-assed, you are still out there exercising and taking challenges to motivate yourself, and seeing results. Congrats....pat on the back! Don't ever think down like that. Good luck with the slim in 6 challenge. I would take it, but I know I definitely would not follow through...
