
Monday, December 16, 2013

I Vant to Suck Your Blood

Image Courtesy of [dream designs] /

Monday I had my annual physical and saw that I was down some more.  Because of the anemia symptoms returning since I've lost weight I asked the doctor to run my CBC again.  He also wanted to see my cholesterol levels.  I don't even remember how many vials they took. LOL  I haven't heard from the doctor's office but I saw results on my EMR Friday morning.

 Check out the difference in my BMI from February to now - just about 10 kg/m2!
Last year my Vitamin D levels were very low.  The doctor had me take 2000 mg of D3.  I've been taking it about a year now and I've drastically improved - just about 3.5 times!

I spotted something on my EMR that I haven't seen before - ideal weight.
Calculating that out it's only about 120 lbs.  I think that's too unrealistic for me so I'm sticking with my 130 lb ultimate goal.
My blood counts (WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH, etc.) were all about the same between last year and this year.  So I'm waiting on the doctor's response as to why the anemia symptoms have returned.  My Triglycerides are holding steady.  My LDL is in range.  My HDL is low.  Is there anything that I can do to raise my HDL without raising anything else?  Again I'm waiting for the doctor to respond.
Tuesday night I weighed in down another 1.2 lbs - just .8 lbs shy of 60 lbs for the year!  Hoping I reach that number at weigh in tomorrow night.  Will try to get Benny to take my measurements and after pictures tomorrow night so it'll all be done in one fell swoop.  My plan is to make a separate post on Wednesday with my full results.
Thursday was my best recorded burn
The Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge is now over.  Challengers slowed down in completing the workouts but I don't think that's all that bad for my first group.


  1. Down almost 60 pounds for this year! That is so awesome. Your post also serves as a reminder that I've put off my yearly physical, so I should really make an appointment.

    1. My GYN appointment isn't until March (got bumped out of February) so I still have that one to do.

  2. My gosh, that's awesome! It's admirable how well you know all the details about your health - that's probably why you're doing so well. And I've heard that many of us don't get enough Vitamin D, especially during the winter months. Bravo to you!

    1. I wish I knew all the details; then I'd actually know what's wrong with me! LOL I have so many symptoms of things but there's always something stopping the Dr from diagnosing me with that condition.

      I don't think I was outside much summer 2012 so I believe that had depleted my Vitamin D stores. I'm sure my gardening this year helped me get more too.

  3. From A.K. Andrew ( Sounds like you're on quite a journey. It's hard when a symptom returns and you don't know why- or rather your doctor doesn't know why. I spent years chasing a diagnosis, so I can empathize even if the root cause is different. Hope you reach your weight goal.

  4. That's great that you are seeing measurable results with your vitamin D - and amazing job on the weight loss!

  5. As I said before, I am glad to read these comments because you are the only person I know of doing Slim in 6!

  6. WOW, you are inspiring me to get back on track. I haven't been as good as I should and you certainly put me to shame. Lastly WAY TO GO on your weight lose. :-)

  7. Congrats to you on all of your hard work and improved blood work results! It's so motivating to see those kind of results! I just bought a treadmill and a home gym but am still putting them together. My goal is to have them up and ready to use by the first of the year!

  8. Congrats on the 60 pounds this year. Impressive, especially since you're doing it in a healthy way although the anemia symptoms I'm sure are troubling. I keep promising myself I'll pay some attention to my health and fitness, but I always have an excuse. At the moment, it's trying to tie up all the loose ends before we head off for a month traveling in southeast Asia and then 3 months in Hawaii. Maybe Hawaii is a good place to pay attention, especially since I'll be far away from my usual responsibilities. We'll see. Meanwhile, happy holidays and keep up the excellent work in the New Year. I'll be looking to your for inspiration.

  9. Congratulations on your victorious weight loss. Regular exercise, consuming more monounsaturated fats, and alcohol in moderation, is supposed to help improve HDL levels. I was very surprised to learn that my vitamin D level was very low the last time I was checked. I have also been taking a supplement. Even if you go outside a lot, wearing sunblock will block absorption of vitamin D and this is a problem for many people. I wish you continued success!
