
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Almost Back to Where I Was

I was sooo close!  The past two weeks I'd gained 3.4 lbs.  This week I lost 3.2 lbs!  I'd still like to consider it a wash.  What do you think?

Disco Groove is still my favorite Rockin' Body workout so far.  My calorie burn dropped below 300 on my HRM so I need to mix it up with another workout.  Because I'm not following the recommended schedule I'm probably going to go ahead and do Rockin' Body through the end of February.  Today I had heartburn and didn't want to do too much.  Somehow the Hard Core Abs made that all go away!  I heated up right away and wanted to do more but there wasn't any time.

I'm exited about the new program coming out next month - 21 Day Fix.  From what I've seen it's kind of a mix between Weight Watchers' portion control and a 30-minute Beachbody workout.  You can lose 10-15 lbs in just 21 days with daily workouts and food portioned out in the containers that come with the kit.  Our team has a webinar tonight with one of the coaches that went through the program during the testing phase.  Register here if you're interested in attending the webinar.  I'm considering the 21 Day Fix for my March program.  Anyone want to join me?

I relaxed too much this weekend and stayed off the computer so I didn't get those recipes typed up.  One night I heated up the little bit of leftover clementine salsa with my dinner.  It was totally gross!  That's a leftover I don't want to have again.  BLEH!

This afternoon's the next round of fillings at the dentist.  When this all started I could've sworn they only said 2 appointments for fillings.  Last week he said there'd be two more appointments - tonight and whenever we schedule the next one!  I'm so confused now about what the dentist is doing.  Part of tonight he's supposed to sand down (I think) the bone spur that's formed out the side of my gum where the one tooth was pulled.

Something I've noticed since last week is that my teeth on my left side (both upper and lower) have become sensitive to both heat and cold.  I drink warm tea or ice water on that side of my mouth and it hurts.  Something to ask the dentist tonight I guess....

Pretty Strong Medicine

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Cassi, what is your weight goal or dress size goal? When do you think you will reach that goal? BTW, congrats on how you are really getting it together.

    1. My weight goal is about 130 lbs. I'm hoping to reach it by the end of the year.

  2. Oooh I have never heard of Disco Groove! Definitely want to try that out! Found you on WOW link up!

  3. Love how you're monitoring your workouts with your heart rate monitor and plan to change things up. Visiting from the WOW Linkup and excited to watch your progress this year :)

  4. Still avoiding any thoughts of weight gain, cute graphics!, and definitely using "a wash" as a new term :)

  5. Glad you are working on your weight goal. What did the dentist say about the sensitive tooth?

    1. The dentist isolated it to one of the teeth from the first round of fillings. It was a deep cavity and stuff must've settled in. He thinks I need a root canal!

  6. It's been inspiring to watch your progress. I've been getting back into treadmill mode. I'd much rather jog outside, but it's been so cold.

  7. I saw that 21 day fix on Facebook the other day and thought it was great that they included the containers.
    You are heading in the right direction again with your weight - that is a plus.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Each container is portioned out for how much of each food group you're to have everyday. You just have to remember protein is this color, fruits & veggies are that color, etc. Just like the Priority Mail boxes...if it fits in the container you can have it! LOL

  8. Hi Cassi - I had to getting a filling refilled because it was old and fell out at a company holiday party. My teeth too are sensitive and my dentist told me to brush with colgate toothpaste for sensitive teeth or sensodyne because it will help strengthen the teeth and decrease sensitivity. She also has me putting M/I paste on my teeth to build up the calcium and keep them strong. You may want to try that. Thanks for stopping by WOW Link Up.

    1. Thanks, Diatta. I'll check out the different sensitive toothpastes and that M/I paste.

  9. I haven't tried any of these DVDs but the really look like fun! I love dance aerobics, it's a great way to burn calories without actually feeling like you are working.
