
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

70 lbs Gone!

This week I lost what I gained last week plus the .2 lbs from the previous week (1.4 lbs), reaching a total loss of 70 lbs!  (Naked weight was 2 lbs less than my official weigh in.)  I didn't do anything to celebrate the total loss last night.  I actually fell ill, feeling overheated and lightheaded.  I still felt weak this morning so I only did a 10 minute workout.

Best Burn of the Week

One month from today marks my one year anniversary of hopping on this long and winding road to wellness (the night I signed up for Weight Watchers).  I've been asking on Facebook and G+ what I should do to celebrate.  I've received responses from eating out for a special meal to going to the spa.  I'm leaning towards the spa idea.  What would you do or have you done to celebrate your first year on this type of journey?

Linking Up with

Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Weekend Block Party Blog Linkup


  1. First do a powerful workout to celebrate the fact that you were not able to do that one year ago and then get a pedicure or manicure or hair cut or something to pamper you and relax you..... dont include food in your celebration. Amazing weight loss btw!! many blessings on your continued journey in the name of Jesus. :-)

  2. Congratulations! If I had to choose, I'd go for a mani/pedi to celebrate. Great job!

  3. 70 pounds!!! Congratulations!!! You HAVE to celebrate this milestone! I would make everyone come over for dinner with their favorite healthy dish and some wine to celebrate!

  4. Wow, that's an amazing accomplishment! WAY TO GO! I definitely vote spa - mani/pedi, massage, facial anything or everything!

  5. I reward myself every 5 lbs that I lose. It helps to keep me motivated. This time, I bought a nice shirt. A couple times ago, I bought myself a nice life planner. I went to the spa one time too. I think it's important to reward yourself, other than with food. Great job on the amazing loss!

  6. Wow congrats on the amazing achievement! I'd say treat yourself to a nice new piece of clothing that makes you feel fabulous and accentuates all the body changes you've worked so hard to see :)

  7. sorry you werent feeling well last night, but congrats on your weightloss, thats fantastic!

  8. Great question - I would do the spa! Relax, relate and releasseeeeeeee! Enjoy yourself and congratulations on your amazing progress!

  9. Thanks for participating in the WOW Link Up!!

  10. What an amazing accomplishment! Way to go!! You definitely deserve a spa day.

  11. Congratulations! with hard work, focus and persistent consistency over time you will reach your next milestone.

  12. Congrats! You should stick with spa day.

  13. Congrats to you! I agree with a spa day to celebrate and/or a great massage. You definitely deserve some pampering!

  14. Congrats! Such an awesome accomplishment!

  15. Wow congrats for that huge accomplishment! Keep up the good work! Hope you feel better. I'd go for a spa day but I'm a little biased cause I work in one!

  16. What a wonderful milestone! You are a great example for others who are trying to lose weight. I am pinning this to my weight loss board.

  17. Hooray for you! Congrats on your weight loss thus far. Happy for you. You inspire me to achieve my goal.

  18. Awesome, great job! I love the idea of going to a spa! I recently started a "Shaping Up For Summer" link-up, which will run every Saturday through May, and I would LOVE it if you wanted to link up your fitness posts. Hope to see you there!
