
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clothed or Naked

Well, I was up 1.2 lbs again this week because of TOM.  Oh well...I'll be back to losing next week.  It's supposed to be in the 40s next week, even near 50, so I might be able to add some kind of activity outside.  I'm so tired of being cooped up indoors!

I've always been curious what the true weight difference is when you weigh yourself with and without clothes.  Yesterday I received an Ozeri scale that I'll be reviewing after playing with it a while.  So before I went to bed I had to try it out.

I was wearing a turtle neck, jeans, leggings, bra, panties, and socks.  I removed everything but my glasses (and the phone) to take the picture.  So what I wore yesterday weighed about 3.8 lbs.  At Weight Watchers I normally don't remove my shoes (but did so at last night's weigh in) so there's probably another pound or so on my official weigh ins.  Would you like me to share the clothed or naked weight each week?

While writing this post my phone started acting weird, asking for my Google password, and not letting me do anything else.  I tried pushing the power button for a restart but that didn't work.  So I did the old force shutdown by removing the battery.  Now it's stuck on the Samsung startup screen. Guess they'll be sending me another phone....

Best Burn of the Week

Linking Up with

Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Now you took it to the literal sense and actually weighed yourself. With that in mind what do you think of that scale? What do you think of the results of weighing yourself with and without clothes? Thank you for participating in this week's WOW Link Up! We appreciate you.

  2. Oh man that's a big difference! I always thought it was like 1 pound at most. Good to know :)

  3. Wow, whst a difference! Thanks for sharing, I thought it was just 1lb ascwell!

  4. Interested in hearing about your scale when you review it! I'm a personal trainer who isn't in love with the one I have now :)

  5. Wow I had no idea the clothes made such a difference!

  6. Wow, I had no idea clothes weighed so much! Whenever I weigh myself, I try to give myself every advantage possible. I weigh first thing in the morning before eating, after using the bathroom, naked. I want to see the best weight possible!

  7. Somewhere along the way, I thought I read to take off about 2 lbs for your clothes, but I guess that was wrong! You weren't even wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, for heaven sake. Weight loss is such a roller coaster, I've been through it often. I'm at the point where I'm just trying to change my eating habits, and keep exercising. You've been doing really well-keep up the good work!

  8. I usually do my "official" weigh in right before getting in the shower. I don't need added stuff when I weigh in lol

  9. Is that one of those polar fitness monitor watches? I have been seeing them a lot lately and was wondering if they were worth the price!

  10. The best ways to weigh yourself without clothes, is after going to the washroom upon getting up in the morning. Thanks for visiting and WOW and I hope to see you on The Frugal Exerciser.

  11. I weigh myself ass naked once a week first thing in the morning! Obviously in my own bathroom, but whenever I have to weigh in in a public place I get as naked as I can while maintaining some level of decency. Although, if the person weighing me wouldn't mind I'd probably strip down to my undies if I could! Stopping by from SITS
