
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dropping and Looking for a Spa Day

I dropped another 2.4 lbs this week!  I knew it was another loss but I didn't think it was more than a pound.  Sorry, I forgot to weigh myself before going to bed to get the naked weight.  So instead, this morning I tried something different.  (There still was a 2 lb difference between Weight Watchers and my scale.)

I've read so many places that you shouldn't weigh yourself right after a workout.  I did the Rockin' Body Party Express workout this morning (25 minutes, 203 calories).  It wasn't a huge workout for me yet the scale reflected a .2 lb gain.  So I'll have to agree with what I've been reading.

These are the final days for Rockin' Body and I don't have a program lined up since the 21 Day Fix is on backorder.  I know I'd get bored if I continued for another month.  So I'm going to be exploring the library's collection again this week to see what I can come up with.

I've decided that I want to do some kind of spa day to celebrate my first year.  Now to figure out where and when....There are so many places and I don't know anyone that goes regularly to get any recommendations.  What sources do you look at for service referrals such as this?

Best Burn of the Week

Two days in a row with the same calorie burn but Monday was a little shorter timeframe.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Great job! Keep it up!! 2.4 pounds is awesome!!

  2. A spa day is the perfect treat! I used to reward myself with food, which has now stopped. My husband asked what I would do to celebrate when I reach my goal and I think I'll change my answer to spa day!

  3. How weird that you burned the exact same amount of calories! Great job with your loss this week :) I hit my one-year of tracking on March 5...hmmm, I'll have to think of a reward!


  4. nice job this week! yes, enjoy your spa day reward. Maybe there are reviews online for spas like yelp is for restaurants..?

    1. I saw spa reviews on Yelp...some places I've heard of and others not.

  5. Fantastic loss this week! Way to go! And enjoy the heck out of that spa reward!

  6. Thanks for visiting WOW and you are making amazing progress. Did you take before pictures?

    1. I only have the before pictures we took when I started Tai Cheng back in May. I don't have anything from March.

  7. Great job! I want a spa day :) I hope you enjoy it!

  8. You are doing excellent!!!! Keep up the great work and thanks for stopping by WOW Link Up!

  9. I hadn't heard before about not weighing yourself after a workout--that's interesting it makes the scale go up a bit, I wonder what the science behind that is?

  10. Congrats on the loss Cassi and congrats on being on this journey for 1 year! I recommend checking Yelp for reviews in your area. That's what I always do when looking for/trying some place new.

  11. Way to go! That's what I lost a month! You are rocking it, keep on going. Thanks for linking up!
