
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

When You Think about it #LoveThighself

This month I'm participating in the Love Thighself challenge from Run DMT and the Mom Buzz.  Every day try to share something POSITIVE about yourself. Try to come up with something different every day – 28 compliments! Amazing, right? Share these positive thoughts however you are comfortable with the #LoveThighself hashtag.  Most of my positive things are posted on the event page on Facebook but there are a few tweets I've done.

Saturday I went to Goodwill's 50% off sale and saved over $40!  I picked up several size 12 pants, jeans, and skirts, as well as a cute Medium skirt.  Yes, I realize it's tight but it's more for spring anyway!

Since December 18th I've lost:
1.5 inches off my thighs
1.25 inches off my arms
.5 inches off my hips
No change in my bust or waist
And I weighed in last night down another 1.4 lbs!  Feeling awesome! 

There was a huge overwhelming response to the release of the 21 Day Fix. The base kit is already on backorder for late March shipment! Now I have no clue what workout I'm doing in March.

I'd like to feature stories of anyone who's doing Weight Watchers and the 21 Day Fix.  I'd need their story, before & after Fix photos, how they incorporated the Eating Plan with the Points Plus or Simply Filling program, and their results.  If you or anyone you know is interested please send them my way! 

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Weekend Block Party Blog Linkup


  1. Congrats on your loss! Way to keep up the good work. That skirt will be fitting in no time!

  2. Nice loss! Keep up the good work :)

  3. Great job! I love sales :)
    You are doing great and I am sure you will find something to do while you wait for the 21 Day Fix

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. Great job on the loss! I love finding awesome sales.

  5. You are doing awesome for yourself! Keep up the good work in loving and taking care of you! #LoveThighself

  6. Wow congrats on the awesome progress! Love the idea of the #lovethighself campain. So great!

  7. Congrats on your weight loss and remember to follow back with the other bloggers on WOW! Sheila The Frugal Exerciser.

  8. Congratulations and what a great way to reward yourself! Thanks for stopping by WOW.

  9. I like how you bought that cute skirt with a plan to fit into it this spring. Keep up the great work :) Stopping by from WOW ;)

  10. Way to go on your weight loss journey! Doin' good so far!

  11. Love the idea of tweeting something good about yourself everyday! Off to tweet right now!

  12. "Love thighself" I absolutely love that. You are such an inspiration and that is some great progress. Keep pushing on girl!

  13. This is all awesome!! Saying something good about yourself everyday, that might be a hard one for me - way to go!! The weight loss is awesome too. Isn't it so great when you realize you can fit into a smaller size? Love that feeling so much!

  14. Honey you are one brave soul! I have contemplated blogging about my own weight loss are inspiring. Thank you :)

  15. It is so important to love yourself through the journey! It's the only way to make it. Keep it up; you can do it!
