
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Journey Year One - Nearly 75 lbs Lost

I weighed in last night down 3.4 lbs...that's just .2 lbs shy of having lost 75 lbs since starting my journey a year ago today!  I would've liked to have the full 75 lbs directly coinciding with the anniversary but I'll take it anyway.  Might as well go ahead and call it the unofficial 30% loss.

Weight Watchers Journey

This is where I started one year ago.
This is where I started the second 16 weeks.
This is where I started the third 16 weeks.
This is where I started the fourth 16 weeks.

Beachbody Journey
It all began with Tai Cheng in May.
I enjoyed the whole experience so much that I came to the realization that the thing I'd been hiding from essentially my whole life was my passion, my purpose for life.  I'm supposed to be helping others on their journey to improve their overall health and wellness.  So I signed up to be an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  I'm exploring the variety of certification programs so I can expand beyond Beachbody and Weight Watchers to be a true Health & Wellness Coach.
Slim in 6 round 1 was next.
Then came Body Gospel.  Too bad Beachbody discontinued the program last month.

Slim in 6 round 2 led me into the holidays.
I was sidelined a while dealing with the vertigo.  Never did I dream that I'd miss working out!  It's pretty much gone now but I do have the occasional spin when I'm laying down for the night.

Rockin' Body was my way to start working out again.
I'm anxiously awaiting the ship notice for the 21 Day Fix.

To celebrate my first year on this journey I am happy to announce that I'm getting a massage!  Now Benny said that he wants to come with me so he needs something to do while I'm relaxing.  Afterwards we'll go out to eat or something.  He said yesterday that he'll hang out at the Heidelberg Haus so I need to find a place near there.  Benny's having surgery next Friday to remove a stone in his salivary gland/duct so I need to schedule and go before then.  Such a lot to cram in a week!


Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Cassi, WOW! What wonderful things a year has brought you! I'm so so proud of you and just go ahead and call it 75 pound loss! What a journey this has been! Keep up the fantastic work!

  2. That is such an awesome and amazing story! I just ordered Slim in 6, so it should be here by the beginning of next week. I can't wait to get started! (I've been sidelined from everything but walking, due to migraines, recently!)

  3. I am so happy for you! 75lbs lost is a HUGE milestone. That takes a LOT of hard work and dedication! A massage is well deserved, congrats and enjoy!

  4. Congrats on your loss! You earned the crap out of that massage. Go you!

  5. 30% !!! Congratulations! Your blog is so inspiring - thanks for sharing!

  6. You have done amazing! You are an inspiration! :)

  7. You have done an amazing job this year - you should be so proud of yourself. :)

    Thanks for linking up and inspiring us all!

  8. You have done an amazing job and you deserve a spa day. Girl, while you are there, get a pedicure and/or facial. You need to celebrate the new you. Thanks for stopping by #wowlinkup.

  9. What an amazing journey you've been on! Congratulations and enjoy the massage! Stopping by from #wowlinkup,
