
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Challenge - Tasty Tuesday #9

This month I decided to try Shakeology again.  I've been told that it doesn't taste well with yogurt so that could've been my problem when I tried the sampler this fall.  Today's Day 4 and so far so good!  I haven't experienced the funky aftertaste at all; it actually sort of tastes more like chocolate almond milk.  I haven't yet experienced the fullness I had last time either.

There are so many recipes that you can make with Shakeology but I don't like or have the ingredients (or don't even know where to find them really).  So far I've tried a different recipe every day.  Using the frozen fruit I'd chop it in my mini chopper and add the dry ingredients.  The mini chopper doesn't do well with liquids so I only add enough to help break everything down.  I then empty the chopper into the cup and use my milkshake maker to blend everything together.  Yes, I know I'm weird using two appliances instead of a blender but it's much easier to clean these two things than it is to mess with the blender every day.

This is the only one I took a picture of the cup.  They all look the same so I didn't bother taking additional pictures.

1 Scoop Shakeology
1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 Cup Strawberries (ended up using 6)
1 Cup Water

This one I just did in the milkshake maker not the blender.  The peanut butter didn't mix well and just settled at the bottom of my cup.  I was able to drink it up after the ice melted.

1 Scoop Shakeology
1 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter (or your favorite nut butter)
1/2 Tsp Almond Extract
1 Cup Almond Milk

1 Scoop Shakeology
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Tsp Nutmeg
1 Cup Almond Milk (or your favorite milk)

1 Scoop Shakeology
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Cup Water

The last two I didn't want to mess with chopping anything because I don't have the time for it in the mornings before work.  Perhaps I'll try prepping my shakes in the evening and just adding the liquid in the mornings.  You can also use a shaker cup to mix some of these but I've never had any luck getting all the powder to mix when I don't use an appliance so I'm not trying Shakeology that way.

What are your favorite Chocolate (or Vegan Chocolate) Shakeology recipes?

 Do you want to join me on this challenge or have one of your own?  Click the banner to order your 30 day supply.

1 comment :

  1. I have had my fair share of protein/ meal replacement drinks in my life. I've shared recipes, even published a recipe book. But, no matter what I do, I don't get that 'milkshake' that everyone talks about with Shakeology. I've tried the vegan and non vegan chocolate. It doesn't taste bad, I just wish I didn't have to add anything to it for it to taste better. I'm also not a fan of the blender bottles. I have the same problem, nothing mixes good in them! I even used the ones with the metal balls in them, still not mixed very well. So, I stick to the blender. Stopping by from the 'Lets Get Real" blog hop and my non Blogger site.
