
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April Showers 21 Day Fix - The Home Stretch

Well, both scales are in agreement....I had a little gain this week but I'm not really sure why.  I think inches have been lost though as those 10 cargo pants I just bought are a little loose!

I went to the Gynecologist yesterday and had an ultrasound to check on my fibroids since I've been spotting almost the whole time since the beginning of the year.  (I thought maybe it was Perimenopause but the doctor didn't agree.)  Looking at the preliminary report my fibroids are gone!  So now the doctor is clueless as to what's going on with me.  Just another thing to add to the long line of "I don't know what your body is doing" that I hear from every doctor.


Something he did notice was that I have a ton of nabothian cysts on my cervix.  I asked him if that was a good or bad thing.  He said that it was neither good nor bad.  These cysts are normal occurrences so there's nothing to worry about.  The doctor just personally has never seen so many.  I did a quick search this morning looking at others' ultrasounds and don't see any others with so many empty spaces representing the cysts.

I finally got someone at Anthem to acknowledge the fact that, based on the estimated facility charges the hospital provided, the cost of Benny's surgery would be higher than the out of pocket maximum.  It's just too much of an expense to take on right now (with paying for our dental work) so he's opted to not have the surgery.  Now, I don't know if it's an actual problem or it's his subconscious over-reacting, but this morning he said that he was swollen and his tongue hurt by the salivary ducts.

Nothing new on the workouts and eating fronts.  I'm still struggling to get all the fruits and veggies in.  With not having the weight loss but possibly inches lost I'm not sure if it's a result of the nutritional change or this particular workout series.  Maybe it's just my body refusing to conform to the norm, just like with everything else.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. I struggle with fruit and veggies too! Glad to hear you checked out ok at the gyno...although I do hope they figure that stuff out. Thinking of you!!

  2. Glad you went to the doc. Hope you can get it all worked out. Sorry about the slight gain but sounds like you are still losing inches, and that's what really counts!

  3. Sorry you are dealing with health stuff. It's so frustrating when you can't get answers! Congrats on the inches lost and thanks for joining the #wowlinkup.

  4. Wow it can feel daunting but just keep up the good work and keep doing what you are doing and things will eventually turn the corner. Sorry to hear about all of these challenges you are encountering.

  5. Wow! How frustrating to not know what is going on with your body. I can relate all too well. I try to keep in mind that eating right and exercising keeps me matter what my size is.

  6. Sometimes to best way to judge progress is to see how our pants fit. Weight is a funny thing that too many people focus on.

    Keep up the good work and getting your workouts in. I have a tough time getting in a lot of veggies - if someone would deliver roasted asparagus to me daily I would be happy :)

  7. What is your goal size? Why not focus more on that now than the scale? A lot people struggle with the fruit and veggie thing, it is common battle. Visiting from the #wowlinkup.

  8. Hi Cassi - Thanks for sharing with the Let's Get Real Party.

  9. With you losing inches, it is probably the workout you are doing, which is definitely a good thing! I hope the health issues work out for you and Benny. *fingers crossed*

  10. You're doing a great job, keep up the good work! We're all cheering you on! You can do it!
