
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bye Bye 170's!

I knew I'd lost weight last week but not that much!  I was so happy with the loss that I didn't bother with checking my home scale this morning.  When I got home and told Benny my loss he asked where it went.  I told him that I gave my weight to him LOL.  After all I'm about 10 lbs lighter than Benny now!

My GYN called the other day.  They got the official reading from the ultrasound.  Apparently it looks like there's a polyp that they want to take a look at.  I told the Dr. that I didn't want to worry about it right now.  We have no clue how much it's going to cost with Benny's stuff so I'll have to wait until we get other insurance or next year, just depends.

What's with the cost estimator on Anthem's site? When I had looked at the estimated pricing for the ultrasound it was always around $1000 or less.  Why in the world is the EOB showing my portion is $1600-something?  I never told Benny that I was having this ultrasound done (only kind of knows about it because the Dr called when I was home) so he's going to be pissed when he sees the bill!

On the exercise front I've been experimenting with various workouts from the library.  Here's a sampling of those I've tried this past week.

The dancing ones that require coordination aren't for me!  I can't keep up with whatever moves they're doing.  I got my best burn ever (I think) Saturday with a Jillian Michael's DVD.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Great loss!

  2. What an amazing loss this week! How freaking exciting!!

  3. Awesome progress and love all the new free workouts you're trying! Thanks for joining the #wowlinkup

  4. So what do you think of the 21 day fix? My sister lost 4 pounds doing it and loves it because it really teaches you portion control? Congrats on leaving the 170 pound range. Visiting from the #wowlinkup

  5. I love Jillian Michaels and Denise Austin!!!! Congratulations on the weight loss. You are doing GREAT! #wowlinkup

  6. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

    I hope that everything is okay for everyone health wise. You should find out if the place you got your ultrasound done has any sort of financial aid plans. Many places do.
