
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

88.8 lbs Lost!

I weighed in last night down another 2.4 lbs, bringing my total loss to date to 88.8 lbs!  I thought that was a funny number so I wanted that to be the focus.  Last night I also set my next goal.  I'd like to reach the 40% loss by Labor Day.  That's 2.5 months to lose 11.2 lbs.  I think that's reasonable...we'll see if my body agrees.

Is anyone familiar with exercise induced neurocardiogenic syncope?  Most of what I find online about it is more geared to those in the medical field so I don't really understand all the details.  Someone had posted in one of my Facebook groups about their client that passes out and throws up with their workouts.  A cardiac RN mentioned this condition as a possibility.  From what I understand it sounds pretty darn close to what I've been experiencing with my lightheadedness and nausea during workouts and showering during TOM.  I messaged the Doctor's office and they want to see me to evaluate my condition.

I finally received the bills from the ultrasound.  My EOB still shows the $1600-something amount but the bill from the doctor is only $100 and the hospital is $386.  I'm really hoping there won't be anything else popping up from this.  Since I had both bills I finally broke down and told Benny, using the good news bad news method (he wanted the bad news first LOL).  Of course he was upset and I told him he'd be upset no matter whether I told him about it before or not.  He must've agreed with me because he wasn't in his mad mood/voice/etc.

I checked on my garden Saturday. It's doing pretty well two weeks in. Spinach, pole beans, cucumber, broccoli (2 varieties), radish, kale, tomatoes (2 varieties), basil, oregano, bell peppers, and carrots are what I planted this year.  The six shown in the picture I thought had the best growth.  It doesn't look like any critters are eating anything this year; I hope it stays that way LOL.

At the farmer's market last week I picked up some giant kale (well, giant to me LOL) and a head of broccoli.  I've used the broccoli but not the kale yet.  Despite the heat and humidity this week I am walking to the market again today (will be my only walk).  I brought my XL shorts that I don't wear working out anymore (probably would fall off with all that movement) but I think should be OK to wear walking.  I put my 50 oz water bottle in the freezer so it'll keep me cool while walking.  I'll drink out of the small one until it's gone.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Congrats on losing almost 90 pounds! My garden is also coming along really fine too. I'm growing kale, collards, mustard greens, tomatoes, green peppers, basil and sage and I might try growing lettuce in pots. Visiting from the #wowlinkup

  2. Wow congrats on the amazing weight loss! Chinese people think 8 is a lucky number, so weigh in was very auspicious :) #wowlinkup

  3. Great weight loss! I have a garden too! My cucumbers did not come up this year :( but my squash is looking very good along with the peas and beans. I hopefully planted it for the next owners of the house (fingers crossed), but it is nice to see it growing well.

  4. Your garden looks awesome. My lettuce is growing out of control! Waiting on the tomatoes to come up. My basil is looking pitiful but my cilantro is looking nice. I am waiting on those green peppers to start showing up and as always my mint is flourishing! I need to make a follow up video now that I think about it. Congrats on the weight loss and think about joining our July dietbet challenge starting 7/14 to 8/10 to help you with your weight-loss goals. You can read all about it here: #wowlinkup

  5. I have neurocardiogenic syncope. I pushed myself too hard in the heat on my bicycle a few weekends ago and nearly passed out. Oops! I also experience attacks when I donate blood or get a tattoo.

  6. Way to go on such a great accomplishment!

  7. That is an incredible weight loss - you must feel such a sense of accomplishment!! I'm afraid I've never heard of neurocardiogenic syncope.. be interesting to see what feedback you get.

  8. What an amazing accomplishment, Cassi! It sounds like the 11.2 pounds in 2.5 months is doable based on what you've been doing so far. Love your garden!
