
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Weigh In Thursday

Tuesday I weighed in down .6 lbs, breaking the 105 lb lost barrier!  That means in 5 lbs more I'll be speaking with the Weight Watchers leader about whether or not to keep my goal weight at 130 lbs or not so we'll know where I need to stay.

Week of Workouts

Thursday I did two Grokker videos from Maggie Lane, one of the 21 Day Fix cast members - Basic Daily Exercise & Fat Blasting Abs.

Friday was NROLFW Workout A.  I managed to get in 4 sets of everything - 60 squats, 60 T-pushups on my knees, 60 bent over rows, 44 lunges (each leg), and 60 reverse crunches.

Saturday I was a yogi for more than an hour, completing another pair of Grokker videos - New Power: Yoga Butt & Yoga for the Neck & Shoulders.  I took a well deserved rest day on Sunday.

Monday was NROLFW Workout B.  I managed to get in 4 sets of everything but the crunches - 60 deadlifts, 60 dumbbell shoulder press, 60 dumbbell pullovers, 44 lunges (each leg), and 45 crunches.

Tuesday I did my final Grokker video (before my free Premium subscription expired) - Cardio Fusion Workout.  I don't have kettlebells so I had to figure out how to do the moves with my dumbbells.

Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici |

Yesterday I was rudely woken up by the neighbor's barking dog at 4:10 AM.  Benny said one or both of the dogs kept barking off and on until about 9 AM!  Nevertheless I still managed to do NROLFW Workout A sluggishly - 60 squats, 60 pushups on my knees, 60 bent over rows, 36 lunges (each leg), and 45 reverse crunches.

When I went for my walk in the afternoon my inner thighs were a little achy.  By the time I got back my whole thighs ached....for the rest of the day.  I picked up some Swiss chard and tomatoes at the farmer's market.  They gave me a couple of radishes for free.

Because of my achy thighs yesterday I knew I needed some kind of stretching today so I did the 21 Day Fix Pilates Fix workout this morning.

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Hi Cassi so are you saying you are 135 now? Congratulations!!! #wowlinkup
