
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Workouts & Halloween

Tuesday I weighed in down a whole 2 lbs!  I figured that I would just have another small loss at this point.  So I must be doing something right with NROLFW even though I'm not using heavy weights.  Ladies on the Weight Watchers message boards say that this program was designed for women to lift heavy.  Unless the lady that wanted me to be her "personal trainer" figures out a schedule I won't be going heavy.  I told Benny the other day that I needed heavier weights and he looked at me as if I was crazy.  We just got the 8 lb dumbbells for my birthday!  I told him I may be nearing the time to switch to use the 8 lbs for the upward exercises and would need the heavier ones for the lower exercises.  He just walked away LOL

Week of Workouts

Friday was NROLFW Stage 1 Workout B.  I did 4 sets of everything - 60 deadlifts, shoulder presses, pullovers, and crunches with 46 lunges (12-12-12-10).

Saturday I found a yoga video on YouTube (actually I'd spotted it on Grokker first but went to the YouTube app on my bluray so I could see it full screen LOL) - Yoga for Weight Loss: Strengthen & Lengthen.

Monday was NROLFW Stage 1 Workout A.  I did 5 sets of squats, pushups, and rows (75 reps of each) along with 4 sets of lunges (48 each leg) & reverse crunches (60).

Tuesday I tried to find another YouTube video but gave up and just did the 21 Day Fix Cardio Fix workout.

Yesterday morning was NROLFW Stage 1 Workout B.  My HRM went funky before I even started the warm up reflecting my heart rate at 213!  I did 5 sets of deadlifts (75 reps) with 4 sets of everything else (60 shoulder presses, pullovers, & crunches; 48 lunges).

In the afternoon I did my regular walk.  I picked up lettuce, radishes, and tomatoes at the farmer's market.  Next week is the last opportunity for the market this year; I don't know what I'm going to do until May!  The ladies at my regular booth said they're dressing up in Halloween costumes next week; I plan to take pictures of whatever they do.


Austin is dressing up as death so what am I doing?  My theme is something along the lines of exercising to run away from death.  So I'm going with an 80s workout outfit.  My aunt sent me a leotard and tights to borrow.  I'll wear my Victoria's Secret footless tights over her tights (but under the leotard) for added warmth.  I won an ivory colored headband from Listia that I'll wear.  I won a Victoria's Secret sweatshirt on eBay to wear over the leotard; I'm trying to decide if I'll cut it up to make it a crop top or not.  All I need now are the leg warmers!  I saw some off white ones at Dollar General for $4 the other day so I might just get those (unless I see red ones that'll bring out the red stripes in the leotard).

What are you and your kids dressing up as for Halloween?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

The Hump Day Blog Hop


  1. Hi Cassie! I got your comment but your account is no-reply and I couldn't find your email address. I don't know what I'm doing for Halloween but I'll find something. If you put piano or music playing in myfitnesspal it does burn some calories but not a lot. LOL! Thanks for your comment!, my account is no-reply as well.

  2. Look at you keeping those legs up! So proud of you and your journey. True inspiration! #wowlinkup
