
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Maintenance Week 3 with a Giveaway

I weighed in last night down 3.8 lbs putting me back into the goal range.

Week of Workouts

Thursday was Jillian Michaels Shred-It with Weights Level 1.  I did Level 2 on Friday.

Saturday was Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred Level 1.

Monday was Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Circuit Burn Workout 1.

Yesterday was Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness Lift in Full Throttle Workout 1 - Olympic Lifting.

My hips and thighs have been achy all week so I decided to do some yoga this morning.  I ended up with Adriene Mishler's Morning Yoga routine that I found on Grokker.


As I mentioned previously Week 2 I was using LiviaOne Daily Liquid Probiotics.  At work I put the drops in my water bottle once a day and on the weekends I put it in a glass of water.

The instructions say to use 4 droppers full of LiviaOne daily (1-2 for children 12 & under).  First of all I could never get a full dropper.  I usually could only get about an inch of the dropper filled with the liquid.  Is the dropper supposed to be filled every time?  If so, I wasn't getting enough and I'd need to double or triple the dosage.

One day I had an issue with the dropper itself.  For whatever reason the liquid wasn't staying in the dropper.  I had to play with it a while and eventually it started holding liquid again.

Probiotics in liquid form are odorless, colorless, and tasteless so you could forget that you were even taking anything!

Week 3 I used the Microbiome Plus+ GI Probiotic.  This probiotic comes in a 30 day supply of 4 boxes, 2 packets of pills in each box, to be taken with meals.  On each packet are 7 probiotic capsules and 7 prebiotic fiber tablets..  One packet is for the mornings and the other for the evenings.

I would take the first dosage with breakfast or lunch and the second dosage with dinner or dessert.  It was a little annoying having to take 4 pills a day; that just seems excessive.  I'm not sure of the logic behind the probiotic and prebiotic having to be separate.

TMI ALERT:  Saturday (I think it was) I weighed myself before going to the bathroom and afterwards.  I had lost about 1 lb!  I've never checked this before so I'm not sure if this is a normal load for me or if the Microbiome Probiotic is really helping me.

For whatever reason when I use a probiotic I'm much gassier.  It's not painful in my abdomen but it's not just a little toot either.  Week 2 I gained weight but week 3 I lost weight.  As far as probiotics go, does that mean that Microbiome is better than LiviaOne?  Or was the loss because of two solid weeks of probiotics?

IShopNutrition would like to give 5 lucky readers a chance to try the Microbiome Plus+ GI Probiotic.  Complete the entry form below for your chance to win a 30 day supply!

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club

I received these products for free in exchange for my review.  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe would be good for my readers.


  1. I've used probiotics in pill form not liquid and I absolutely loved them in combination with a healthy clean diet and strength training

  2. Wow that sounds like some powerful stuff.

  3. Congrats on the loss and getting back into your goal range! I actually don't know much about probiotic supplements but I'm interested to see how they work for you!

  4. Have never tried either but I'm interested in pill form

  5. Never tried either one...think I'd like the pill form best

  6. I have not tried either but think I would prefer pill

  7. It's interesting to think that different types of probiotics might produce better weight loss results. Maybe it's one of those things where you have to find the one that works best for your body! Out of the two you mentioned, I think I would like the pill better - the dropper seems a bit messy.

  8. Looks like you had a great week of workouts! Keep up the great work!

  9. Great job! Thanks for sharing on Tuned in Thursday

  10. great job on the weight loss! My regular every day multi vitamin has the probiotics in them so I am a fan!

    1. What multivitamin are you taking? I've never come across these before.

  11. Ooh haven't done a Jillian MIchaels dvd in a while! Looking good!

  12. Congrats on getting your workouts in! Some of Jillian Michaels workouts are tough but you can notice good results fast

  13. I have taken probiotics before in pill form and found them helpful!

  14. I have used them in a pill before

  15. My mom swears by probiotics, and I've heard so much good stuff about them that this just means I should probably give them a real shot. :) Those are some awesome results you've had. :) Congrats!

  16. I would like to check out this pill. Have heard good things about probiotics

  17. I have used probiotics in capsule form before, but I would be willing to try them either way!

  18. I take probiotics daily. I have not tried drop form, sounds interesting!!

  19. I just started with them, but I do take them in pills form. Liquid is a great idea & I would love to try it this way!

  20. I have tried a few different ones, really not sure if they really make a difference or not since I've never stuck to them for any length of time. I prefer pill form.

  21. I just started taking a probiotic a few days ago. It is in a pill form. I think I would prefer a liquid though.

  22. I have not yet tried either form but I'd love to try!

  23. I haven't used probiotics before but the more I read about them the more im interested in trying them....I'd be happy to try either form. As for the dropper on Your bottle, it would be much more helpful if they labeled a mark on the dropper so u knew how much it shoud have in it to accurately dose the liquid.

  24. Probiotics help my digestion and regularity....I just feel better. I have only taken them in pill form.

  25. I have never used them but so many great benefits to using them I would love to try.

  26. I have zero experience with them, but have always been interested in trying em' out! :]

  27. I take probiotic tablets now but prefer liquids.
