
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Welcome to Lifetime

Apparently there was an error in the posting that listed the Organic Chia Seed opportunity as a review and a giveaway.  It was only supposed to be a review.  I want to thank the winner, Kimberly Job of Sublime Reflection for being a good sport about it!

I weighed in last night down 1.4 lbs and signed up for the Lifetime Membership at Weight Watchers.  As a Lifetime Member I'm considered a permanent part of the family!  As a Lifetime Member you receive a charm, membership card, free eTools subscription, and unlimited meetings (although I don't see the need to attend more than once a week but some feel it necessary).  Since I only need to weigh in monthly now I'd like to know what you'd like to see instead.

Do I take a picture of my scale before my Wednesday workout like this?

Or do I have something else here?  Please leave your ideas in the comments.

Week of Workouts

Thursday it was Cardio & Abs.

Saturday was Build: Chest/Tris before heading to Comic Con.

Monday I began week 12 with Bulk: Back.

Yesterday was leg day.

Today I did Bulk: Chest.

Wizard World Comic Con

On the Indiana Women's Blogger Facebook Group I was given 3 passes to Comic Con earlier in the week then on Thursday I got a notice that I won two more (never got used by anyone).  Neither Benny nor Austin seemed too thrilled to go, especially with the high prices for autographs and photo opportunities.  I finally got them convinced to attend but boy was it COLD!

We didn't go until late because of Benny so I missed out on some of the panels.  We popped in William Shatner's talk but left about halfway through; Benny said it wasn't what he expected.  Did you know that Shatner owns horses and comes to the Indiana State Fairgrounds in September for some kind of horse race?  He also mentioned that he helped design a motorcycle and will be driving it from Chicago to Los Angeles this summer.  It's quite an interesting looking bike!

After that we walked around the exhibit floor.  There were so many cool looking things displayed and for sale.  Austin and Benny went into the zombie shooting range and took home their targets.  We ran into Spock manning a booth.  Don't know if I startled the guy or what but my picture came out blurry when he took it.

We popped into the concert by the Critical Hit Band (leader is the guy who writes the music for World of Warcraft) while waiting for the costume contest.  The lady in the middle was playing an instrument I don't recognize.  It had the neck of a cello but a tiny body.  (lights too bright so I couldn't get a good picture)

There were many interesting costumes that entered the contest (as individuals or groups).  Winners included costumes from Spaceballs, Aladdin, Labyrinth, and Star Wars.  Some spent months and probably a lot of money putting their costumes together.  It put my Halloween costumes to shame!

I couldn't imagine being there all day but I would've liked to go to the talks or panels.  I would like to go to another one in costume and hang out with other cosplayers.

For those of you that have gone to a ComicCon or GenCon, what did you enjoy the most?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. Wow, Spock is an amazing impersonator! He looks just like him!!

    1. I think he's the guy that was on the news a few months back. He had an accent but I couldn't place it since he didn't talk much.

  2. I would love to go to the ComicCon. I want to see the stars of the Vikings show and of course some of the stars from Star Trek the Next Generation. I didn't know you were doing Weight Watchers. #wowlinkup

    1. I don't have cable/satellite so I don't know what the Vikings show is even about.

  3. ComicCon was supposed to come to Milwaukee, but was cancelled due to lack of interest from artists. My NIL who is an artist said Milwaukee will never be a targeted site again. Too bad. #wowlinkup

  4. Congrats on becoming a lifetime member. I agree with Sue, the guy dressed up as Spock looks great!

    1. He was sooo tall! I don't remember Nimoy being that big.

  5. Congrats on your weight loss for the week, and on becoming a lifetime Weight Watchers member! Keep up the great work!

  6. I have never gone to an event like this, although I think it would be a ton of fun, I know my husband has mentioned it before and he would LOVE to go!! Also, congrats on your weight loss--you are doing great!

    1. I've always wanted to go just to see the costumes if anything.

  7. I would say leave the photo of the scale at the beginning. I have never been to ComicCon but when I worked downtown there was an anime convention and it was very interesting. #wowlinkup

  8. I've never been to a ComicCon but would like to attend someday, just to see what it's like. Congrats on your Lifetime achievement!
