
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

GoReIn2015 Q1 Update

I'm up a little this week but TOM is in town so it's to be expected.  Two weeks until I have my next official weigh in!

Week of Workouts

This week was ALL Kelly Coffey-Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness workouts.

Thursday I did Muscle Definition Workout 1.

Friday was the Train Like a Contender Conditioning workout.

Saturday I did the Muscle Definition Shoulders, Biceps, & Triceps pre-mix.

Monday was the Circuit Burn Total Circuit Burn Mix.

Yesterday was more Muscle Definition with the Back & Chest pre-mix, which I attempted the second round on the stability ball.

Today was the Circuit Burn Boxing & Legs pre-mix.

My First Race

Course Map found at

Saturday is the big day!  I wanted to walk this week but it's been so cold and rainy I just couldn't.  The weather for Saturday doesn't look promising temperature wise either.  Benny's been sick so I'm not asking him to sit out in the cold but maybe Austin will be there to cheer me on.  Nobody's contacted me yet so I guess I'm supposed to be there about 8:30....'s Forecast

GoReIn2015 Q1 Update

I listed my goals for 2015 in the last post of 2014.  It looks like I haven't made much progress this first quarter but I still have the rest of the year!

#9 I believe that improving my overall health and wellness includes testing my hormones.  My GYN doesn't seem to think that I have hormonal issues seeing that I have regular and "normal" menses.  Hormones are one area that can affect sleep and none of the doctors I saw and ran the sleep studies discussed this.  One of the BODYpeace babes suggested seeing a Functional Medicine doctor but they aren't fully covered by my insurance so that's not an option for me with our high deductible.  We'll see what happens at my annual visit on Tuesday.

#10 I've decided that BODYpeace is the primary theme of my personal development this year.  Before I started this journey I didn't care about my body or what I looked like.  Now that I've hit goal I'm struggling with acceptance, especially with the loose skin and lack of boobs (they just don't look like boobs anymore).  So I'm concentrating my efforts on this topic (BODYpeace not boobs in case you're confused LOL).

#11 I'm doing well on maintaining my weight.  I tend to step on the scale daily to see what it says before working out but forget what it says before I even leave for work.

How are you doing on your goals for the year?

Linking up with
Weigh In Wednesday

Femme Fitale Fit Club


  1. I need to get on the scale more! The hormone comment is interesting. I had mine tested last year when I was having night sweats and waking in the middle of the night. I tested normal and it eventually subsided - could have been an overtraining response

    1. Glad your symptoms subsided. I've been dealing with the sleep for about 13 years.

  2. Good luck on your first race! I just got on te scale and the number was startling, I plan to start watcing what I am putting in my mouth more, especialy since I cannot do much working out! Congrats on a great, a little weight gain is okay as long as it doesn't get out of control!

    1. Thanks! I haven't gained more than a couple of pounds on my journey but then I bounce right back.

  3. Ahhh good luck with your first race! You're going to be great - and with two weeks to go, you're going to rock that weigh in!

    1. Thanks! I just have to figure out how many layers to wear Saturday.

  4. My fitness goals are a little side lined due to my knee but I'm maintaining my weight so I'm happy with that. Good luck on your first race, you are walking it, right? #wowlinkup

    1. Great job maintaining! Definitely plans on ever running.

  5. Do you have a bike? You might want to do some organized bike rides, those are a lot of fun also.

  6. All the best on your first race! I'm excited about starting back strength/weight training.

  7. Have fun at your first race! Nice job on the weight workouts. I need to add more of those into my life...

    Love the "body peace" goal. I think more of us should be striving to accept our bodies for what they are.

  8. Great job on your continued success with weight loss and fitness! I honestly did not set any goals for my year. ;) Woopsie... so I guess I am rocking them. LOL!

  9. I can relate to the doctors not wanting to test hormone issues. I went to my doctor last year saying I was concerned it was so hard for me to lose weight despite exercising every day and she just wrote it off and told me to be happy with my body. So frustrating!

  10. Weighed myself for the first time in 6 months and I totally don't miss it!
