
Thursday, June 4, 2015

My Garden

This year the only things I planted from seed are the leafy kind - Arugula, Lettuce, & Swiss Chard.  It looks like one of them has sprouted but I don't remember which it was LOL.  Benny overloaded on the tomatoes this year; he REALLY wants garden fresh!  I picked up the Eggplant and two of the tomatoes at the farmer's market.  The broccoli somehow came up from last year so hopefully it'll produce something this time.  Most of the other starters we picked up at Menards, and a couple from Walmart (i.e. the squash).  The seeds I won on Listia.  I didn't find any good looking zucchini to plant like I wanted this year.  How does your garden grow?


I weighed in Tuesday night down 2.6 lbs, which put me .8 lbs above my goal window.  Benny finally took my measurements last night (first time in 3 months!) but there weren't really any changes.  He did say that my muscles felt firmer so I guess that counts...

Week of Workouts

FRIDAY I did some twisted yoga.

SATURDAY I did Burn Intervals & Ab Burner.  Since this was the 6th one I'll be switching to Extreme Abs instead of the burner one.  I haven't peeked to see what's different.  Will see this weekend!

SUNDAY was Burn It Off! & Recharge.

TUESDAY I wrapped up the second week of the push phase with Push Circuit 3.  I can hardly believe I'm halfway through ChaLEAN Extreme already!  This program just seems to be flying by much quicker than any other one I've done.

WEDNESDAY I did Push Circuit 2 in the morning.  I made it on time to the farmer's market and picked up some Organic Turmeric from Redwine Farms.  I used it in a recipe last night (will be seeing that by this weekend).  Does your Turmeric look more yellow or orange?

THURSDAY I did Push Circuit 1.

Surgery is Official!

I got a call from the scheduling lady and everything's confirmed for September 22nd at 7:30 AM.  We'll have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM.  When Benny saw that arrival time on the paperwork he was like WHAT?? LOL  So now that's all taken care of I can sit back and wait just under 16 weeks to have the polyp removed, getting back to a normal TOM (we hope)!

Linking up with
Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. I want your garden too! I do not have a green thumb! And congrats on a successful week! Good to see you on WIW!

  2. Yay for the garden! I finally got all of mine in. I've got a couple of flowers on the tomatoes and peppers and that's about it but I'll take it. All the best with your surgery.

  3. I love fresh lettuce from the garden. Ours is finally ready to eat!

  4. I am dying to have my own garden. I have visions of looking out of my window and seeing all the fresh veggies. Sadly I am not a green thumb-what kind of vegetarian am I?

  5. I think our garden would do quite well with a little love - love which we do not have! Good luck in the surgery! What's twisted yoga?

  6. Congrats on the weight loss! And I would love to have your garden.

  7. Yey garden! I can't wait to have my own :). And congrats on the weightless!

  8. Living in a condo means I don't have a garden, but I love being able to take goodies home after I visit my mom :)

  9. What a gorgeous garden! I have a decidedly black thumb. Plants fear me. I try, but it never works out.

    You are doing great! And I'm so glad the surgery is on the calendar so you can get everything taken care of! I'm sure that's a great relief!

  10. hope everything goes well with your surgery. and your garden sounds lovely!

  11. Way to go with the weight loss - firmer muscles - I'll take that all day long!! Need to go get my garden planted - eek!! When did it become June

  12. LOVEEE surgery hours!!! But it's good to get in there FIRST because otherwise you always risk having your surgery pushed back a few hours!

  13. I can't wait to start a garden, even if it's a tiny one. Way to go on your weight loss! That's always a great feeling! Keep doing what you're's working! Now...relax since your scheduling is done! :)

  14. I love my garden but I don't have a lot of luck with greens.

    Have a fantastic weekend and thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday!

  15. I would love to have a garden eventually. What a great project - enjoy the weekend!

  16. Love it. I so miss having a garden. Have a great week

  17. I tried making a garden once and it was a failure haha. My friend has a nice one though and grows lots of veggies...maybe I'll try again this summer!
