
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WIW Goes #GreenInTheCity317

No weigh in this week since we ventured to the MashCraft Brewing Company last night.  I want to thank Lori, The Produce Mom, for putting the #GreenInTheCity317 event together.

We drove past MashCraft a couple of times before I finally spotted the sign.  When we pulled in we immediately saw Nature Fresh's greenhouse on wheels.  They had bell peppers, tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes on the vine to display.  They wrap the vines around otherwise they can go 40 ft or so!

They also brought some of their bees with strawberry plants from a neighboring farm.

Inside the brewery some culinary students from IvyTech had prepared some appetizers with cucumbers, tomatoes, and cream cheese, as well as some soup, all made with Nature Fresh produce.

Benny tried one of Mashcraft's regular taps (I have no clue what he ordered).  I tried some of the Red Pepper Ale made with Nature Fresh's peppers.  I could slightly smell and taste the peppers at first (was surprised with my sinus issues) but the regular smells and tastes of beer quickly took over.  Nothing we tried was as sour as I'd remembered but it didn't change my mind of not liking beer LOL.
We had a good time; I just wished we knew people there so we could be more social.  We brought home a swagbag of Nature Fresh goodies.  When I was putting them in the fridge I discovered we had some Nature Fresh tomatoes and peppers already there!
And now on to our regularly schedule programming...
Weigh-in Wednesday!
Have to back up to Wednesday...I woke up in the 4 o'clock hour with tummy/abdominal distress (pain, bloating, etc.) so I didn't get my workout done but I still walked.  I picked up a Mediterranean spice blend at the farmer's market.

When I got home I staked the rest of the tomatoes and watered the garden.  The lettuce, arugula, and Swiss chard are indistinguishable from the weeds so I didn't take a picture.

THURSDAY was Push Circuit 1.
FRIDAY was a makeup day from Wednesday so I did Push Circuit 2.
SATURDAY was Burn Intervals & Extreme Abs in the morning followed by standing around for a few hours watching the feis.  My cousin placed 4th in one of her dances; this was her first performance outside of Ohio.  After we got back I trimmed the bushes in the front of the house; Benny and Austin cleaned up.
SUNDAY was Burn It Off & Recharge.
MONDAY I woke up in the 3 o'clock hour with different tummy/abdominal distress so I took another rest day.
TUESDAY I wrapped up the push phase with Push Circuit 3.
Today I began the lean phase.  OMG Chalene has complex exercises for just about everything.  So many I did awkwardly in Lean Circuit 2!

Yesterday I went to the doctor about my abdominal issues.  I told him it was similar to IBS but without the diarrhea and constipation.  He pushed on my abdomen and found some tender spots in the upper right quadrant that took me by surprise.  Everything combined leads the doctor to believe that it's gall stones.  They drew blood and took my urine for testing.  The doctor said that he should have the results today but my EMR shows it won't be available until the wee hours tomorrow.  If the lab work shows something then an ultrasound will be ordered.  If it is the stones I hope they recommend the medication route rather than surgery.

TESTING: Blood Urine POC, Bilirubin Urine POC, Urobilinogen Urine POC, Ketones Urine POC, Glucose Urine POC, Protein Urine POC, Nitrite Urine POC, Leukocytes Urine POC, pH Urine POC, Specific Gravity Urine POC, Total Protein SerPI QN, Bilirubin Direct SerPI QN, Bilirubin Total SerPI QN, AST SerPI QN, Alkaline Phos SerPI QN, Albumin SerPI QN, ALT SerPI QN

Linking up with


  1. I am working on trying to get a handle on some midday binge eating that has crept up....and drinking more water because I know that I have slacked off.

  2. I love beer, so I would have had a great time. ;o)

    I'm trying to make better decisions about what I eat. I need to eat enough to balance beginning training for a marathon again, but I need to really think about what I'm putting in my mouth more.

  3. Oh no! I hope it isn't gallstones!! I hope you feel better!

  4. We've been trying to eat healthier this summer but it's a challenge with everyone going in a million different directions at my house!

  5. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. ooh, hope it's not gall stones!! good vibes sent your way. I'm working on getting leaner and my running back on track with training for a 10K!

  7. I am currently working on continuing to lose weight and do the Fitnessista's summer shape up! I am keeping up my running in the 2-4 mile big races planned, but just like to always be 5K ready! :D

  8. Right now I am working on my mental health. I feel that I finally have my eating under control, so I'm trying to meditate each day.

  9. Yikes... healting and healthy vibes your way!

  10. healthy eating is so important and i like to pair that with all my running and cross training. plus prayer for mental health!

  11. I'm so jealous of your garden. I decided I didn't have enough time this year (and I was right) but I will definitely plant one next year even if it's just a small one.

    Thanks for sharing with Fitness Friday! Have a wonderful weekend Cassi :)
