
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I'm a Super Heroine!

I've purchased and downloaded Super Heroine Fitness and am working out a schedule (as well as some alternate exercises) for me.  I think I'll stick with a Tues-Thurs-Sat schedule for this program.

THURSDAY I did Lean Circuit 3.

FRIDAY at the urologist's all that he talked about was surgery requiring a hospital stay....
  • Option 1 - going through my side and cutting the kidney to remove the stone.
  • Option 2 - going up via the tubes and removing the stone and any others along the way, leaving a stint in there in case it's needed later.
This is my first known stone and I haven't had any attacks since the 4th...are you serious? And to have it in 2-4 weeks? WTF?!  We did agree to have a CT scan to see if it's moved or if there are any other stones floating around; I'm waiting for the doctor to see the results.  Nevertheless I wasn't all here the rest of the day on Friday and was off all weekend.  I think Austin must have sensed it because he sort of stuck by me most of the weekend instead of hiding in his room watching videos or playing games on his phone.

SATURDAY I did Burn Intervals & Extreme Abs.  Attempted to paint outside but I just wasn't inspired to do anything.
SUNDAY I did Burn It Off & Recharge.
MONDAY I woke up to find another tomato gone.  I don't know which critter is stealing all the ripe ones!
TUESDAY I wrapped up Chalean Extreme with Lean Circuit 1.  On the way to Weight Watchers I finally dropped off my rings to be resized at Lewis Jewelers (recommended by several at the meeting).  The one Benny brought from Germany was about a 7.75 and the band we bought was a 7.5.  I thought at least one of them was a 14K gold band but they both tested 10K.

 Be sure to check out yesterday's post on the #VSL3KnowTheDifference campaign!
This morning I was going to do yoga but wasn't in the mood for it.  I'm heading out for my walk now.

How was your week?

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Linking up with


  1. Ugh Kidney stones suck! I hope you find a solution that works well for you!

  2. Eeps! Kidney Stones :o - Never had them before and I am knocking on wood because I never ever want them! I have enough pain in my stomach, ha!
