
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Super Heroine Fitness Week 1

CDI (the testing facility) finally released the report and images from the CT scan back on the 13th.  I'm still confused with some notes so I've asked my PCP to take a look and put the report in lay terms.

Key notes I can understand:
  • The stone in my right kidney is 2 cm long and is the only renal one.
  • Both kidneys, the ureters, and bladder all appear normal.
  • Lungs, heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, adrenals, gastroesophageal junction, stomach, bowels, and uterus are all normal.
  • There are multiple gallstones, mostly noncalcified.  There is one that is partially calcified measuring 4 mm.
  • The volume of stones has distended my gallbladder.
  • The walls of my gallbladder have started thickening.
Key notes I don't understand:
  • Assessment is limited due to a lack of intra-abdominal and intrapelvic adipose tissue.
  • Small bilateral ovarian follicles are seen.
I also wanted to share the pictures but haven't figured out how to download them let alone identify the stones in the images.

Weigh-in Wednesday!

WEDNESDAY I had picked up some slimmer squash to spiralize.

THURSDAY I did Episode 1 Adventure 2.  That one really wore me out!  My form was failing so I opted not to complete the last set.

FRIDAY I did some Yoga with Adriene.

Not much was ready for picking when I got home.

SATURDAY I did Episode 1 Adventure 3.  It seemed too easy so I'll definitely need to up the weight to 15 lbs for this next time.

Spiralized the farmer's market squash for my dinner while Benny and Austin ate noodles.

Sunday I was shocked at how many cucumbers were ready.  How is your garden going?

MONDAY I did an abs and obliques workout from

TUESDAY I wrapped up the first week of Super Heroine Fitness with Episode 1 Adventure 4.  Definitely easier than 2.  I'll need to up the weight on this workout too.

Today there's a chance of storms so it's 50/50 whether I'll be able to take my walk today.  I brought my walking clothes just in case.

Linking up with


  1. Replies
    1. Been trying to figure out how to fit it into a logo, then I'll be all set!

  2. I like your super heroine! Very inspiring!

    Great week for you! I hope you get all your questions answered. BTW, keep in mind that the radiologist's read is based on the images only. They don't have access to your clinical exam, so final interpretation will be up to your doctor, who has the big picture.

    1. The Urologist still says surgery but not pushing it like he did at my appointment. He agreed with my PCP that the gallstones were causing the attacks. So now I wait for that consult....

  3. All that goodness is from your garden?! This city-dweller is jealous!

    1. I'm still in the city...just 20 minutes from downtown.

  4. I really need to start a garden. Although everything would probably die in this heat.

    1. My garden hasn't gone as well this year because of the rain...and rabbits.

  5. Wow, you got some great veggies from that garden. They look delicious!

    1. I'm not a cucumber fan so it'll be interesting what I can find to make.

  6. Your garden is doing great compared to mine. We had a cold, wet june that made the weeds go wild while the produce lagged. I've gotten peas so far, that's it. Sigh.

    1. I planted lettuce, arugula, and Swiss chard but it all grew up with weeds so I don't know what's mine...

  7. I had to laugh at "slimmer squash". I am guessing you meant summer, but slimmer is so appropriate I might have to rename mine :)

    1. LOL nope, meant slimmer. My squash is too big around to fit in the spiralizer....all I'd be able to do is the neck.

  8. I'm loving the thigh high socks.

    Kidney stone...ouch! I hope you're better soon.

    I don't have a garden, but I sure wish I could grow cucumbers like yours. Yum!

  9. WHOA, look at those veggies! Beauteous. I hope you get everything figured out with the kidney stones..not fun!

    1. As of right now I haven't heard from the nurse/PA (whatever she is) but it could be she's waiting to hear from the surgeon.

  10. Your garden pics make me swoon. We are in a rental house while looking to buy a house and so I don't have a garden this year.

  11. I'd love to be able to grow my own cukes and toms, but living in a condo, I'm not able to.

    1. You too could do container gardening...for the toms not the cukes (I don't think). Or some of those hanging tomato plants.

  12. Fabulous harvest! I have a black thumb, so nothing ever grows for me. Boo.

    Sorry you still have so many questions. I will say that I had my GB removed years ago and it was the best decision. Recovery wasn't too awful and no more pain. Good luck.

  13. Good week. I hope that you find some answers on your scan results.

    1. So do I! The PCP hasn't responded yet either but it could be he's waiting to have everything sent up/over (however that works with the IU system).

  14. Every woman is a super hero as we handle so much at all times.

  15. I'm very jealous of your green thumbs! I can't even keep succulents alive in the house ;)

    1. We can't have house plants because of the cat. I'd kill succulents because I'd never remember when I watered them.

  16. I wish my garden would of turned out. Im jealous of yours. lol Coming from the linky!

  17. I wish I would have planted a garden this year. Next year for sure :)
