
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Gallbladder Strikes Back

Image Courtesy of dream designs |

Thursday morning about 2AM I had another gallbladder attack.  This one was a doozy, lasting all day!  It didn't start out the way the others did so I wasn't sure of what it was at first.  I vomited a lot more this time around.  Thankfully no recurrences in the every other day pattern the last round held.

I was freezing most of the day (thermometer kept reading my temp under 97F) so after the bathroom portion of the attack was over I went to the front room and lay on the recliner in the sun under a blanket.  Eventually I warmed up but I never slept more than 30 minutes at a time.  I was fighting with Netflix because it didn't want me to see anything (the annoying error message saying that it couldn't display the title at that time on everything I tried to watch).  I drank water off and on while I lay there.

I finally started getting hungry late afternoon.  I begrudgingly ate a piece of flatbread....tasted gross and made me nauseous.  At dinner time I ate about 1/4 cup of potatoes but that also made me nauseous.  I went to work Friday and ate some bacon and sliced turkey throughout the day.

Saturday morning I made a smoothie but couldn't finish it by the time we left for the State Fair (about 3:30 pm).  We strolled around the fairgrounds and occasionally sat down when Benny needed to rest for a bit.  Normally I'd stand or pace in front of him but I sat down each time.

I made sure we popped into the Lego area for Austin before it closed.  While he built a Mayan pyramid I walked around the pavilion, checking out the rest of the exhibits.
My Favorite Cancreation
I wasn't able to eat a full meal until Sunday night but it tasted gross.

Saturday I also found out that they cancelled the Indy Cooking Expo for some reason.  No explanation just an email that Cumulus had cancelled the event.  Not sure what that's about.

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Yesterday I worked out for the first time since the gallbladder attack.  I did Episode 2 Adventure 2.  More reps on this workout than the one I did this week so I didn't want to push it.  I got 4 sets in with about 1:30 to go.  It felt good to do something!

I weighed in last night down .6 lbs so I'm back in the goal widow.

Today I'll be walking during lunch.  Last week I hit 3 miles, the farthest I've walked during work.  How far will I go today?

Linking up with


  1. Ugh that sounds horrible :( I've never had gallbladder issues but can imagine how disruptive it must be!!

  2. I've never had gallbladder issues, I hope you continue feeling better!

  3. ooh I bet that is really painful! Hope you are feeling better this week

  4. That doesn't sound fun at all. Hope you feel better.

  5. I hope those gall bladder attacks are few and far between. I've never experienced that, although my grandfather had gallstones removed at one point. Feel better!

  6. Sorry about your gallbladder, that is a terrible feeling, feel better

  7. Oh, no! Get that gall bladder out! I had mine removed about 15 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did! Those attacks would bring me to my knees (and sometimes the ER), and they were the worst. I hope you feel better.

  8. Boo! I hope you are feeling better this week. 3 miles during the work day, that's awesome. I need to start walking more during the day. I am active at the gym but then mostly sit during the day!

  9. Oh no! So sorry that you aren't feeling well! Have you thought about having it removed?!

  10. Sorry to hear that. I am having some sort of digestive issue but doc hasn't told me just yet what it is. Thinking its more acid reflux than gall bladder but it SUCKS to be sick, so I have a lot of empathy....

  11. So sorry to hear about your illness!! Please get better and stay strong!

  12. Ugh, That really sucks. I hope it doesn't happen again! Great loss though!

  13. Yikes. No bueno. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. That sounds like a brutal experience!! :( I'm glad you were able to start getting some real food in by Sunday and I hope that you don't get another one of these for a long time! Good for you for getting some activity in this week despite that.

  15. I hope the workout yesterday went well and pain free!

  16. oh wow. This attack sounds horrible. Sounds like you need something to calm it. Prayerfully, you will be able to move past it soon. visiting from #ff

  17. Aw, sorry to hear about your attack. Hope you're feeling better now!
