
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Super Heroine Fitness Week 6: Prepping for Surgery Season

Just two weeks until Surgery Season!  Yes, I have to make light of it all because it's so depressing to me.  I never had a broken bone or stiches.  Childbirth was the only instance for me spending time in the hospital.  To have these issues pop up after starting my journey makes me so sad sometimes.  It's a great mental challenge to keep my spirits up some days....


Yesterday was my birthday.  KayBee of Nats & Fitness featured my brief transformation story.  I went to work as normal and we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner.  I ate off their fall menu - two salmon patties with green beans and hashbrown casserole.  Instead of water I drank apple cranberry iced tea.  I'm picky on my teas but this was rather tasty.  I don't know how many glasses I had.

Weigh-in Wednesday!

THURSDAY I was only able to complete 3 sets of Episode 2 Adventure 2 so I determined that I'm not ready for the 15 lb dumbbells for this workout.

SATURDAY I completed 5 sets of Adventure 3 with the 15 lb dumbbells.  We went to Goodwill's 50% off sale but didn't buy much as the selection wasn't very good for me.  Perhaps it's because we went so late.  I'm trying to get the pieces to make my Wonder Woman style Halloween costume.

Two Pairs of Pants
Two Blouses
Two Shirts - S was more loose fitting than the XS!
Pair of dolphins for my collection
MONDAY I did 45 minutes of power yoga with Adriene.

TUESDAY I wrapped up this round of Episode 2 with 4 sets of Adventure 4 using the 15 lb dumbbells.  I wanted to take a picture of the TGU Roll/First Move but those 10 seconds on the timer weren't enough to get back in place.  I kept falling over and almost dropping the dumbbell LOL!

It's supposed to rain most of the day today so I'm not walking.

Linking up with


  1. Happy Birthday Cassi! I'd be depressed about surgery too. No fun. Wishing you all the best with it. Your transformation story is amazing.

  2. Happy birthday! I'd be bummed about surgery as well, but good for you for keeping up all of the workouts that you are doing. Hope everything goes super smoothly for you.

  3. Happy birthday!!! I hope your surgery season isn't so bad and you recover quickly!

  4. Happy Birthday I hope everyone goes well for you!! Great score at Goodwill btw 😊

  5. Happy Birthday and way to stay positive in light of a tough road ahead! I saw a quote on IG: "so far you have overcome 100% of life's challenges!" So this one is not gonna take you down! Thanks for sharing and inspiring us!

  6. Great job getting your workouts in!

  7. Happy Birthday!! Wishing you a successful surgery and a smooth recovery!

  8. happy birthday! wishing you an easy, successful surgery and a quick and painless recovery! oh and cracker barrel = my favorite!

  9. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have an easy surgery and quick recovery.
