
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Be Your Best Self

"Be Your Best Self" is this week's Weight Watchers meeting topic. What words to you use to describe yourself now (I.e. introverted, a parent, a spouse, a brunette, vertically challenged, etc.)?  What things about you would you continue to be in the future?

How would you describe your future self (I.e. once you've reached your ultimate goal)?  Use he Best-Self Portrait below, filling in the items in the {} brackets (remember Mad Libs) to get started.

I wish they'd given an example because I struggled with completing my Best-Self Portrait....Not sure if this is really what they were looking for but here goes nothing!

Cassi's Best-Self Portrait
My best self is happy and stress-free.  My best self likes to travel regularly with my family and guide others on their journeys to improve their overall health and wellness.  When faced with a challenge, my best self thinks how I can work through/around this and researches options.  On a typical day, my best self chooses to eat apples and spinach.  In a typical week, my best self gets in a few workouts including weightlifting and yoga.  My best self takes time out for relaxing, restoring breaks such as reading.  Overall my best self feels at peace about life.  If someone starting on their journey asked for my definition of success, my best self would say, "Success is a state of mind.  If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success." (Dr. Joyce Brothers)
Which element that you filled in can you work on this week to start making your best-self a reality?  What specific actions will you take?

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Sorry for not having a post last week.  With only walking and yoga I really had nothing to share with you.  The doctor has said it's OK to start Super Heroine Fitness Episode 3 so I'll begin tomorrow.  I'm excited because it was getting boring to me!

Linking up with


  1. I like this! So positive! One of my friends did 100 happy days on facebook and her posts always put a smile on my face! We need more of this.

  2. I think everyone has a different idea of what being your best self is. I love what you wrote-very positive!

  3. That's a fun concept - a mad libs version of a self-affirmation! You did a nice job, I think!

  4. What a great idea! I love your positive motto!

  5. I love your "best self" description. Sounds a lot like my happy state!

  6. I enjoy topics when I'm challenged to think beyond what I do (work, run) and think of more who I am and how I can be a better person. Great reflection.

  7. This is a great exercise! My best self is well-rested, and well-caffeinated and just finished a great run!

  8. This is such a great way to check in with your emotional self. It's a great way to change the way you think about yourself to be more positive.

  9. Love the all the positive here!! So awesome!! I really like when you mention being at peace about life - powerful!

  10. What a good way to do a check in and remind yourself to use positive self talk! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Your best self is the best to be! Love the positivity. xoxo

  12. I always love prompts like this to get the ideas and positive intentions flowing - thank you for sharing it (and your answers!)

  13. Really nice! Great that you can get back at it!
