
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Show Me Your Core

This week's Holiday Sweat Challenge focuses on working your core.  I don't really have any favorite core moves.  I believe core work has been a part of every program I've done, whether they specifically call it out or not.  My core has never been a strong area.  I often struggle with core work as some exercises irritate my lower back or neck.  With crunches I use one of the 3 lb dumbbells under my chin to keep my head in the right place but it still bothers the back of my neck from time to time.

MONDAY:  What's your core strength goal this week?  I'm making the focus of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's workouts centered on my core.

TUESDAY:  Show us your plank!  How long can you hold it?  I haven't timed them but I've finally been able to hold a forearm plank on my toes for 30 seconds!

WEDNESDAY:  Show us your most creative core move.  Well, I don't think I'm very creative with exercise....

THURSDAY:  Show a watch photo of sweaty fun for the day.  I don't wear a watch since I'm not tracking my heart rate.

FREE FRIDAY:  What are you up to today...sweating, eating, cooking, etc.?

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Since Winter and I took over WIW the linkups seem to have died off.  We don't know if we should change it (to something other than Weigh In Wednesday) or if we should end the linkup.  Please leave a comment with your thoughts of how we should proceed.

THURSDAY I went back to Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Split Sessions, Full Body Time Saver Premix.

FRIDAY I did Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum.  Neither of these workouts felt right to me with my uncoordinated self so I returned the DVDs to the library.

SATURDAY I did the upper body workout from Split Sessions.

MONDAY I woke up with a sinus headache.  Since this week's theme is your core I popped in the 21 Day Fix 10-Minute Fix for Abs.  I'd never tried this one before.  There was quite a variety of crunches to do in this workout.

TUESDAY I did the lower body workout from Split Sessions.

TODAY I did P90X2 Ab Ripper.  For some reason this seemed super easy compared to the Fix one I did Monday.  I won't be able to do this program as the rest of the workouts are too long for the time I have weekday mornings.

Linking up with


  1. P90X ab ripper is the BEST. It's so hard.

  2. Working out your core is TOUGH, but it's so good for you! I need to do a lot more work on it before I start training for races in the spring. There's always something to work on!

  3. Link parties are challenging. I stopped mine because I needed time for my clients.
    Maybe you take a break and restart in January with resolutioners. I'm pretty sure there will be more people thinking about weight loss then and they'll need all the motivation they can get.
    Success and congrats on your weight loss journey!

  4. Core work is challenging but really pays off. Good for you to stick with it.

  5. Core work is challenging but really pays off. Good for you to stick with it.

  6. I'm not a fan of crunches either. For core, I love doing planks.
