
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas

Austin's presents were delivered yesterday.  The presents for the family shipped yesterday.  So now all I have to worry about is wrapping everything and Christmas dinner.  I have NEVER made anything special for Christmas but Benny said he wants something different this year.  I've decided on the meat but not the sides.  Have you ever eaten or made rouladen?  I'm afraid that the pickle is going to ruin the meal for me since I don't like them.  Now to determine what sides we'll have...

I'm still working on writing out my 2016 goals and remain stuck on the reflection portion.  I've made some progress since last week but not where it should be with the template I'm using.  So far I have two accomplishments, one failure, and four goals.  This brain fart is really annoying me.

THURSDAY I did P90X3 Pilates X.  This workout didn't affect my legs as much as other Pilates have done but I sure felt it in my core for the rest of the day.

FRIDAY I did Agility X.

The Post Office closest to the house was out of international forever stamps so I had to go out Saturday afternoon to another branch.  They had plenty at the second location.  The first part of my winnings from the Holiday Sweat Challenge arrived too.

SUNDAY I did Yoga X and got myself geared up for phase 2 of P90X3.

MONDAY I did Triometrics without any plyo.  Not sure if that really counts but I'm not willing to risk my ankles for any workout.

TUESDAY I was The Warrior.

Today I did more Yoga X.

What's something I do to keep myself feeling energized when life gets busy?  I guess I'm "lucky" in that my life isn't busy so I don't need to stay energized.  Tied right into that is Monday's prompt - I have no demand to keep my energy high all day.

TUESDAY is all about your workout gear.  I don't have anything snazzy or funky but here are two of my favorites:

WEDNESDAY is all about vacations.  Our last one was in 2011...the last time I was on a beach.  I sooo want to go back!

THURSDAY is keeping charged on the go.  My car charger is messed up and only works at certain angles.  So I need a new one.

How are you celebrating Christmas?

Linking up with

1 comment :

  1. I commend you for your dedication to fitness and the schedule you maintain. I usually go about 2-3 days before I break down and stop, lol. It sucks that your closest post office was out of stamps but I'm glad you were able to find them elsewhere! Hopefully you're able to rest the next few days since it's the holidays. Have a great weekend!
