
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Scaling Wednesday

I didn't go to Weight Watchers last night as I'm having car issues and Benny wanted to check it out.  So I have no official weigh in for February yet.  I guess I have one more week to get in line then LOL

THURSDAY I did P90X3 Pilates X.  I read chapter 5 - Human Anatomy.  Now, I don't know about you but this part is hard for me.  I've never had to memorize bones or muscles.  I wonder how much of the Group Exercise Certification exam will be on this topic...I hope it's not a lot.  I asked fellow Sweat Pink Ambassadors what they used to help memorize bones and muscles.  They recommended anatomy coloring books, flash cards, and two sites - Get Body Smart and Anatomy Arcade.  I've printed off some of the images to try to help remember.

I also read chapter 6 - Applied Kinesiology & Biomechanics.  This was a little reprieve from anatomy.

FRIDAY I did Decelerator in what felt like slow mo...not sure why.  I read chapter 7 - Exercise Physiology.  This is another hard one for me.  I took an online course on Coursera for this but it wasn't sticking then, and still isn't.

We dropped the car off at the mechanic for them to take a look at the oil pan since it was leaking on the garage floor (never notice a wet spot at work).

SATURDAY I did CVX.  The mechanic called and told us the damage.  We went over there in the afternoon so Benny could see what they were talking about before giving them the go ahead to make the repairs.  We ran around the rest of the afternoon and stopped at Burger King to bring home dinner.  I went with the chicken burger but didn't enjoy it at all.

MONDAY I did Decelerator again.  No studying this day because I had my follow up appointment with the ENT.  The nasal rinse and Flonase combo he had me on hasn't made a difference.  (I have a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates.)  The doctor checked and he doesn't see a hole (was my concern because the rinse goes through so quickly).  We're trying to schedule a CT scan but insurance is saying it isn't medically necessary.  UM HELLO my nose is stuffed almost 24-7 and I can hardly taste or smell anything anymore!

We picked up the car but now it's being weird.  While driving the temperature gradually increases to the hot zone, staying there for up to a minute, then drops down to the middle.  Not sure what's going on.

YESTERDAY I fought it out with MMX.  I reviewed chapters 1-7 (a lot of good that did LOL).

TODAY was leg day with Eccentric Lower.  I will be reading chapter 8 - Essential Nutrients for Health & Performance.  Hopefully this will be an easy lesson.

actual measurements from this morning

I received the EatSmart Precision Body Check Bathroom Scale for free in exchange for my honest review.  I've never had a scale that measured anything other than weight before so it's been interesting to see these numbers jump around at different times of the day.

You have to be barefoot for the scale to get the measurements other than the weight.  Somehow that metal strip can read your body to get those measurements.  (The instruction book gives the details on how it does this.)  The only drawback I've found with this scale is the numbers rotate too quickly for me to record the measurements.  They are displayed twice but I sometimes miss one as I'm writing so I have to step off and go through it again.  I think it's definitely worth the price as others I've seen are listed much higher.

To get your own EatSmart Precision Body Check Bathroom Scale hop on over to Amazon.

Linking up with



  1. That's a serious scale. Very cool and helpful with reaching weight loss goals.

  2. I love your pics on your site! I'm going to have to add to my feed reader so I can keep up with your inspirational journey! Thanks for stopping by Jebbica's World; I look forward to keeping up with your progress!

  3. I bought a scale similar to this one. I think it was made by Weight Watcher's. I thought it was so cool that it even measured the water in my body and I think bone density? It's been forever since I've used it the correct way so now I'll have to try it again. I probably wasn't happy with the bmi it gave me so I quite using it! lol

    1. Lol I found it weird with the BF% being higher than online calculators I've used.

  4. Wow I try not to look at the scale, I think this would really throw me over the edge some days! It does sound interesting and no doubt would help with weightloss goals! I see you linked up with us for Weekly Wrap! Welcome. I hope you'll make it a habit each week.

    1. Definitely have to limit use or I'll be on it all the time. I walk by it so many times a day.

  5. I did P90X3 after I had my son 2.5 years ago. I got great results from it. I've kept up those results with my running and swimming. I love that scale. I wish I had one.

  6. Interesting scale. I had one similar and I loved it and was obsessed with all the various data and then I sort of stopped looking at it. I don't know why. Just did. Have a great week!

    1. I look at it so much but don't step on it like I did the first couple of weeks. I tend to check daily in the week leading up to my monthly weigh in.

  7. I did not know there were scales that could give you so much data. Mine tells me how much I weigh, period! I'd struggle with all that memorization, but the flash card idea sounds like a good option.

    1. I'd seen something like this scale before but they were all over $100.

  8. Welcome to the Weekly Wrap Cassandra. That is a lot of information for a scale to deliver. I'm usually not happy with the one number my scale gives me! When will you have to take your exam for the CEC? I hope you don't have a deadline looming as it sounds like a lot of information to absorb! Thanks for linking with us and I hope to see you back next week!

    1. It's not scheduled yet but my plan is to take the GEX by the end of March and the Wellness Coaching by the end of June.

  9. Wow, that scale is fascinating... I think I'd me more interested in the other numbers than the actual weight. It might be kind of nice. :D

  10. Wow, your scale does everything! I have a Fitbit Aria, but I think my floor is just incredibly uneven. I can fluctuate 20 lbs in seconds just by where the scale is on the floor!
