
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Brand New Me Wellness Coaching Programs

KISS THIS Image Courtesy of Sira Anamwong | KICK IT Image Courtesy of vectorolie |

Week of Workouts

THURSDAY I did the 21 Day Fix lower body workout.  The sweat was dripping off my chin, feeling like I had a beard!

FRIDAY I enjoyed a Pilates session.

SATURDAY I did Dirty 30 with sinus pressure because of this crazy weather we've been having.

SUNDAY I started reading Motivational Interviewing again, hitting chapters 4, 6, & 7.

MONDAY I had a sleepy yoga session that apparently didn't get posted to Instagram...

I read chapters 8 & 10 during lunch.

YESTERDAY I did Upper Fix before exercising my right to vote. I read chapter 11 during lunch.

This morning I did Total Body Cardio Fix.  We'll see how many chapters I get through today.

Coaching Services

I'm still playing with the logos a bit but Friday I unveiled more details about the Brand New Me Wellness Coaching Programs.

With Molly's help I'm now working on all the forms and templates to use for clients.  I never expected it to be difficult to create documents but my thought processes seem to have hit a blockade.  Checking out other coaches' forms to see what all I need and want to use.

After the weekly coaching sessions (I'm thinking the next day) I'll email a summary of what we covered and what the client's assignment is for the week.  So I need to make a template for this.  Actually I don't want to call what they're working on each week an assignment as that's too much like school.  What are some other names I can use?

Background Image Courtesy of photostock |

This is just in the brainstorming stage but I'd also like to offer fit parties (and use my events management certificate I went back for after having Austin).  I've named it FIT INDY PARTIES and made a Facebook page with skeleton details.  Once the coaching programs are up and running I'll work on party development.  Have you ever held or been to a fitness party before?

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. The fitness party is such a good idea!! I would love to go to one of those :)

  2. I've never been to a fitness party but years ago I did host a yoga party at my house. That was a blast!

  3. Good luck with your new business a fitness party is my kind of party

  4. i have never held or been to a fitness party. sounds fun! good luck!

  5. congratulations!!!! fitness party sounds like a great way to get the word out.

  6. I have never been to a fitness party but sounds great! Working out in a fun environment always makes a workout better!

  7. How exciting to be starting this new adventure. I love the idea of a fit party.

  8. Sounds like a fun week of training! A fit party sounds lovely!

  9. I love the idea of a fitness party, I'd so make room on my calendar for that! good luck with it Cassie

  10. I have never heard of a fitness party! Sounds fun!!
