
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

It's a Lifestyle

Working on building my audience in one of my Facebook groups this week got me thinking...just like healthy living wellness coaching is a lifestyle.  I'm here for my clients; my thoughts and actions revolve around what I can do for them.

My Vision

I'd always known that I was meant to help others but not how. After beginning my own journey I discovered that it's my passion and purpose to help others live healthier lives. Every day I wake up fully rested and ready to help guide my Brand New Me Wellness Coaching clients on their individual paths to improve their overall health and wellness. At least 5 clients go through the ropes monthly with me personally. I have a great team of RDs, Personal Trainers, and more working together to consistently find the best ways to help our clients reach their wellness goals. My husband is 100% supportive of my business and is involved in some capacity. I wake up fully refreshed and ready to help all I can. In addition to the coaching we are running Fit Indy parties around the state. All this has allowed me to leave the job I hate, live comfortably (making at least $100K annually), and travel regularly. I am truly at peace.

 My Audience

I serve those 40+ who
  • Were active and healthy in their youth but life got in the way.
  • Have been on their healthy living journey but are stuck or are at a plateau.
  • Are completely new to healthy living as I was.
My clients need
  • A refresher on healthy living.
  • That one thing to get them back on track.
  • To be shown the ropes from scratch how to live healthier lives.
I inspire and entertain my audience by
  • Sharing my own journey through daily interaction across and weekly wrap blog posts.
  • Testimonials from clients (once I have them).
  • Sharing interesting tidbits I find in other blogs I read or emails I receive.
I educate my audience by
  • Researching answers to their questions, sharing in follow up emails or within the Facebook group.
  • Working with them on personal development and self care.


THURSDAY I did the 21 Day Fix lower body workout.

FRIDAY THE 13TH I did Pilates.  There were a bunch of goodies in the mailbox when I got home - the Group Exercise Instructor Certificate, the next book to read for the Wellness Coach Certification and practice test, Taqabars to review, AYL Cooking Gloves to review, Top Rated Green Recipes book for a bonus stake in the DietBet, and Sally Hogshead's FASCINATE.

Oops, I forgot to include the Vitamin Shoppe prize pack I won.

SATURDAY I did Dirty 30.

MONDAY I did sleepy yoga.  During lunch I finished reading the chapters outlined in the study guide for Motivational Interviewing.  We went out to eat at Cracker Barrel for Benny's birthday.  I ate the Apple Cider BBQ Chicken Breast with broccoli and green beans.  I actually didn't want any potatoes or rice so that was different.  But I did eat all three biscuits since Benny didn't want any....

YESTERDAY I worked my upper body with resistance bands.  Never again will I do this workout with the bands.  I felt no burn whatsoever, unless you count the slight band burn from it rubbing my sides when doing the chest press.

TODAY I walked during lunch.  Nike+ said it was 2.37 miles.  Charity Miles said it was 2.41 miles.  MapMyWalk said it was 2.52 miles.  I picked up 2 tomato plants to put in the garden this weekend since it's finally going to be nice again.  I'll still try the seeds too.  Benny wants a lot of tomatoes.

Lifestyle Wellness Coaching

I'll start Lifestyle Wellness Coaching tomorrow.  It looks like this time I'll be reading the whole book.
  1. Introduction to Lifestyle Wellness Coaching
  2. Background and Core Ingredients of Coaching
  3. Paths of Change
  4. Flow Model of Coaching
  5. Setting the Foundation for Effective Coaching
  6. Cocreating the Coaching Relationship
  7. The Magic of Listening
  8. The Power of Questioning
  9. Direct Communication
  10. Awareness and Action
  11. Building Enduring Futures
  12. Coaching as a Path of Change
Once this book is done then I'll call NETA to pay for the Comira testing since the next workshop will be during Fitbloggin'.  I'm ready to rock

How is your week going?

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. I think that anytime you do what you love and you do it wholeheartedly, it is a lifestyle! It must be in order for you to be effective!

  2. Love your vision statement! I agree I think it definitely does become a lifestyle.
    I've never heard of sleepy yoga before:)

  3. I am so very glad you have found this peace in your life. Many never do!

  4. That's great that you are so passionate about helping others find their fitness goals too. Love it!

  5. It's great how your own personal journey fueled your passion. From the looks of it you're not slowing down anytime soon. Kudos to you for expanding your fitness knowledge.

  6. I'm so excited for you Cassi. Finding peace is such a wonderful thing.

    Thanks for sharing with the Fitness Health & Happiness community! Have a great weekend.

  7. Finding peace can be really difficult - its really great you are able to feel at peace with where you are!

  8. "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" Cheesier than nachos, but true true true! Love how available you are to your audience, that's the key to building a community and something I also try to do every day <3

  9. Helping others is very rewarding. To find what you are truly passionate about is the ultimate reward. Things are certainly going well for you. Good luck as you continue your education and testing! Thanks for linking with us.

  10. I'm so happy Cassi that you have found so much passion in helping others through your own experience! Way to Go! Love the positive energy!

  11. I love your breakdown of your personal training vision and goals - sounds fantastic! You got a lot of cool stuff to check out - I'm curious about those kitchen gloves.

  12. Wonderful that you found your true calling in life!
