
Friday, June 10, 2016

Protecting Myself from the Gunk in My Tap Water

I drink water all day every day, more so in the summer while it's hot than the winter when it's cold.  At work we have water service so I know it's been filtered.  Our tap water at home is another story.  There is always calcium deposits at the bottom of my glass that kinds of turns me off of drinking the water, but what else would I drink?  My only other choices are tea (using that same water) or almond milk.

Because of this I was excited to be offered the opportunity to check out Water Liberty's Adya Clarity for free in exchange for my honest review.  These drops are clinically proven to reduce the heavy metals in your body and are tested by an EPA certified lab to reduce up to 99% of toxins in your water.  This is what piqued my interest.

When asked other healthy living bloggers whether or not they'd used Adya Clarity or a similar product the only response I received was about a negative article from a few years ago.  I asked Water Liberty for their response and I was sent the link to their blog post debunking that article and similar ones that have been floating around.

Adya Clarity blends ionic sulfate minerals to purify water without use of toxic chemicals.  Just letting a glass sit for a few hours you can see the difference.

1 is a glass of tap water treated with Adya Clarity (sitting on top of my phone to see the bottom of the glass better).  2 is plain tap water in the cup I use throughout the week.  3 is a glass of water from the bottle service we have at work.  When our water's treated there's still some sediment but it's much less than I normally see (and also pale yellow instead of white).  This shows much promise that Adya Clarity could make our water go from 2 to 3 so I don't feel so weird drinking it!

I also noticed a slight taste difference with the Adya Clarity.  It's hard to describe but maybe you could say Adya Clarity makes your water sweeter.

I plan to continue to use this bottle of Adya Clarity to see what other changes I notice drinking cleaner water outside my work.  Be sure to visit Water Liberty's website to check out Adya Clarity for yourself along with the other sizes and options available.

This post was sponsored by Water Liberty.


  1. Wow I had no idea! Thanks for sharing this.i need to check this product out now!

  2. We have really hard water at our house...I wonder if this would help?

  3. I am so lucky to live where the tap water is pure and tastes good. I hope you get the results you are looking for. Good water is just a basic necessity.

  4. This is so interesting! I never really thought about what's in my tap water...

  5. Interesting! I don't know much about hard water or purification. Thanks for sharing

  6. I'm really uneducated when it comes to what is in my tap water at home. You've definitely made me more aware that there could be some unwelcome toxins lurking in my drinking water! :-O

  7. I don't drink water out of the tap at our house - because... LA water :)
    Such great info here and I would like to look into this further!

  8. Wow, I didn't know what to look for! Good to know!

  9. This is great info Cassi. Water safety is so important!

  10. Great product! I actually had a water conditioner installed and an RO system for my water so it's pure. After you see what comes out of your tsp, it's scary.

  11. I've never heard of this product. Thanks for the review.

  12. thanks for sharing! This is the first time I have heard of this product!

  13. This is interesting... i haven't heard of this product before.

  14. This is interesting... i haven't heard of this product before.
