
Saturday, July 16, 2016

I Passed!

MONDAY I started my version of's Built by Science training plan. First up was leg day.... and I continued to feel the effects until yesterday.

TUESDAY was chest day. I'm going to have to use heavier weights next week as I could've done much more than the 4 sets.

WEDNESDAY morning was back day, which ended up being diffrows for different folks. I also need to go heavier next week for this one. Not sure what I'll do about the bands though. I used the blue from the top and the red from the bottom of the closet door.

In the afternoon I walked in the sweltering heat, picking up zucchini, blackberries, and honey roll ups at the farmer's market. I also returned to work very rank. Makes me wonder what I'm going to do at Fitbloggin' next weekend....

THURSDAY I took the day off to chill and take the Wellness Coach Specialty Certification exam. I don't know why but it was harder to remember the details for this compared to the Group Exercise Instructor exam I took back in March . I passed by 3% above the minimum which is a little embarrassing. I guess I'm more application than data when it comes to coaching?

YESTERDAY I worked my shoulders before a dead day at work. The phone hardly rang at all and was told that it was the same while I was out.

TODAY I'll be working my arms and abs.

Bob's Red Mill & SweatPink #SummerStrong Challenge

Monday the Instagram challenge begins.  As promised here are the daily prompts again.  Be sure to tag #SummerStrong #FuelYourAwesomeness #SweatPink @BobsRedMill and @FitApproach when you share your pics!

MONDAY:  What's your favorite sunny summer day workout?

TUESDAY:  What's your favorite squat variation?

WEDNESDAY:  What fuels you in the morning, getting you strong and ready to face the day? 
THURSDAY:  Sometimes the summer heat means you need to adapt your workouts.  What kinds of changes do you make? 
FRIDAY AT FITBLOGGIN':  What's your favorite exercise to work your arms?


I'll be altering my workouts next week to accommodate Fitbloggin'. Thursday is a scheduled rest day in the program but I'll be doing Friday's shoulders instead.

Every time I look at the schedule for Fitbloggin' I change my mind what I want to do. As of this moment here is what I'm thinking. Thursday I'll bring Benny to the Registration and Evening Reception.

Friday's Plans 

Arriving for breakfast would mean that I probably won't be able to participate in the early morning fitness session. If I did I'd be too nauseous and end up being miserable. So I'll eat and play photographer for this round. The 11am workout is up in the air.

Since I'm attending Fitbloggin' not only for myself but for potential clients I'm going for more of the weight loss and management track. So the first breakout session at 2 will be "Ditching the Emotional Baggage That’s Keeping You Fat." The 3:15 session will be "Sign the Dotted Line - Contract Law for Bloggers."

What do I need to bring with me for the Reception and Expo?

Saturday's Plans

I'm thinking I'll grab breakfast but save it to eat after the workout. I'm still up in the air on the 9am small group discussions. Both sound like they'll contain valuable information. Perhaps I can tag team with another blogger and we can share details. I think I'll have to do the same thing for the 10:15 discussions of "Your Weight Loss Journey – The Highs and Lows" and "Fitness for the Minority Population."

I don't know if I want to try the Zumba session or not. All that shaking and rattling around makes me think headache afterwards. We'll see what happens.

For the 2pm breakout session I'll go to "I.L.L.U.M.I.N.A.T.E.- Ten Pillars For Overcoming Any Setback." At 3:15 it'll be "How to Train the Muscle Between Your Ears" but I'd like to know the details from the pitching and pricing session.

Sunday I'll join the fun walk.

So next weekend will be jam packed with activity for me but I don't know what I'll do with Benny and Austin. Neither is interested in this stuff.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. Have a great time at Fitbloggin'! I've never gone to one but they look like so much fun. Congrats on your new certification!

  2. Congratulations on passing the exam! Fitbloggin' should be chocked full of wonderful information. I think you'd also have a wonderful opportunity to network with other coaches and bloggers. Have fun! Thanks for linking, Cassi.

  3. Congrats on passing the test Cassi - I'm sure that feels great! Enjoy Fitbloggin' and let us know how it was!
