
Friday, July 22, 2016

Live from FitBloggin'

As the days approached for FitBloggin' to begin I was getting more and more bummed out.  So many can no longer attend, either money, their jobs, or logistics (Southwest cancelled a bunch of flights) stopped these folks from making it to Indy.

Be sure to watch Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for instant gratification of what I'm experiencing. Not sure if I'm going to do a complete summary or break up posts since this is my first event of this nature.  I can't wait to tell you what all I learn!


SATURDAY I spent an hour working my arms and abs.  Definitely glad that this one was on the schedule for a weekend!

MONDAY was leg day again.  No DOMS this time around.

TUESDAY I worked my chest.

WEDNESDAY I worked my back with all those rows again in the morning.  During lunch I walked ~3 miles downtown.  I picked up my first spaghetti squash at the farmer's market.  When I got home I found a giant zucchini in the garden and a few others that had started.

Both the walk and the garden left me dripping with sweat so I had to shower twice in one day.  First time EVER for that I think. LOL

YESTERDAY was supposed to be a rest day but since I'm at FitBloggin' today I worked my shoulders instead.  Definitely going to have to change up how I do this day.  Using 15 lb dumbbells wasn't enough for me to feel anything doing the farmer's walk.

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. You still got some workouts in Cassi! That 3 mile walk during lunch must have felt so good! Such an energizer!You can make some great Summer dishes with the zucchini and squash! Have a great week Cassi!

  2. I had to do the 2 shower thing last Thursday after I ran and then did CrossFit. After the run, sure, I get it, but I don't usually have to shower after I workout with my trainer. It was so humid that I was sweating just standing there. Brutal.

  3. I love fresh zucchini. My mother used to make zucchini bread and I haven't had that in so long. I jump in the pool a lot to cool off. I guess I could count that as extra showers. I know you must have learned so much at FitBloggin'. Thanks for linking, Cassi.
