
Friday, July 8, 2016

Workouts, Challenges, & Nutritional Guidelines


SATURDAY I worked my back, chest, and shoulders.

MONDAY I worked my shoulders, arms, and abs.

TUESDAY I had a yoga session.

WEDNESDAY I wanted to walk during lunch but the rain didn't stay away long enough for me to go.

YESTERDAY I worked my back, chest, and shoulders again.

TODAY I had a Pilates session.

7 Day Healthy Habits Challenge

Tuesday we started the 7 Day Healthy Habits Challenge in the Brand New Me Healthy Living Community.

TUESDAY we talked about the importance of eating breakfast.  I usually have cereal in my yogurt, oatmeal, or breakfast casserole.  What's your go-to breakfast?

WEDNESDAY we talked about squeezing in some kind of physical activity throughout the day.

YESTERDAY we talked about meal planning.  This is one I'm not good at as I'm so indecisive.  Depending upon the day I had I may not want to fix whatever was planned.  This is one thing where the farmer's market can help me.  I could plan a meal around the veggies I picked only if the weather would cooperate!

TODAY is about keeping healthy snacks around so you don't raid the vending machine or ruin your progress with fast food.

Brand New Me Wellness Coaching Nutritional Guidelines

The Brand New Me Wellness Coaching Nutritional Guidelines are now powered by Precision Nutrition's ProCoach software. This is a year-long habit-based program that guides clients through purposeful, structured daily lessons.  These lessons are cumulative so they help build the habits bit by bit.

For clients enrolled in KISS THIS or KICK IT they will have the option to purchase a subscription at the end of their program to help them through the rest of the year.  While I'm trying to figure out the pricing structure for this I'm offering a free 30 day trial.  If you're interested in checking out the program please visit Nutritional Guidelines to register.


Bob's Red Mill & SweatPink #SummerStrong Challenge

Remember back in May when I got the Bob's Red Mill pack and I said there'd be an Instagram Challenge?  There's just one more week left until it happens!  Here are the daily prompts. Don't worry, I'll share them again in next week's post.  Be sure to tag #SummerStrong #FuelYourAwesomeness #SweatPink @BobsRedMill and @FitApproach when you share your pics!

MONDAY:  What's your favorite sunny summer day workout?

TUESDAY:  What's your favorite squat variation?

WEDNESDAY:  What fuels you in the morning, getting you strong and ready to face the day? 
THURSDAY:  Sometimes the summer heat means you need to adapt your workouts.  What kinds of changes do you make? 
FRIDAY AT FITBLOGGIN':  What's your favorite exercise to work your arms?

Linking up with

#MotivateMe Monday with Fitness Cheerleader, Running Rachel, & Run Mommy Run
Sunday Fitness & Food Linkup with Marathons & Motivation & IlkasBlog


  1. I love IG challenges. Going to check it out. Thanks !

  2. Good post! I believe that making small changes until they become habits are a great strategy. For example, switching from white bread to whole wheat, then moving to something else, like cutting out soda pop from your diet... etc.

  3. It's always an AWESOME idea to keep HEALTHY snacks around so your mouth doesn't decide to tango with some naughty fare! ;)

  4. Looks like it was a great week! Great post!

  5. I wish I could keep up with IG challenges! But I never have anyone to help me with the pictures, lol

  6. I'm also on the Bob's Red Mill campaign! I am super pumped for the challenge to start!

  7. Breakfast is so important! My go-to is oatmeal topped with blueberries and milk. You are a very busy lady with all the challenges, studying, training and workouts that you do. Thanks for linking, Cassi.

  8. i always get excited about challenges but half way through it, i lose motivation :(

  9. You always get a lot of mix in your workouts throughout your week Cassi. That's really good. My favorite morning fuel is a protein smoothie! One with Berries! :):)

  10. Wow! You look awesome. I love the IG challenges, I'll have to check it out.

  11. I really enjoy seeing your workouts. It's a good reminder to do it and I need to eat breakfast :)

  12. I really enjoy seeing your workouts. It's a good reminder to do it and I need to eat breakfast :)

  13. Sounds like you had a great week of workouts! I'll have to check out the IG challenge, I always want to participate in those and then fall off part way through, haha.

  14. Great Job! Off to check out the awesome IG Challenges!!!
