
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Great Pumpkin Run

Last year's 5Ks were small, local events, so it was a shock to my system to participate in a race with ~2000 people!

The Great Pumpkin Run was held about an hour away from my house in Thorntown on Dull's Tree Farm & Pumpkin Patch. Austin and I left the house around 7:30 Saturday morning. He was a great copilot so that I didn't have to look at my phone to know the next turn! Even with the waves going every 10 minutes starting at 9 the line of cars was long to get into the farm. I got checked in, added the race shirt as a layer, and gave Austin my jacket and keys. My water bottle, phone, and tablet were in the bag that I carried the whole time.

Participants stretched a little before the wave began, led by someone local (never caught her name or organization). Then it was time to go. The wind was ripping through the farm keeping it chilly. It was difficult for me to walk along the path they'd made with corn stalks or gravel throughout most of the course. The instability kept me slower than I wanted not wanting to risk my ankles giving out. I reached the halfway point in a little less than 30 minutes. There was a water station along the northern part of the route.

A photo posted by Cassandra Schmigotzki (@longandwindingroadtowellness) on

The lake was a nice bonus to see but I thought that it was weird that it was located on a stretch of land with a no trespassing sign along the way. The last section of the race was through part of the cornfield.

A photo posted by Cassandra Schmigotzki (@longandwindingroadtowellness) on

They handed out water, a banana, and our finishing medals as we crossed the finish line. I'd told Austin that I'd call him once I was done but he'd found his way to the finish line and met me there. We walked to the other side and picked up a cup of cider and a small Pumpkin (I let Austin pick it out).

Race participants were allowed into the farm activities for free but we had to pay for our guests. We looked around briefly then went back to the cornfield to explore the maze. I would NOT have done the maze had Austin not been there as I'd have been completely lost! The pumpkin went into my bag while my tablet was in my hand as we walked through it.

Screenshot of the maze from Dull's website
We took a break and rode the wagon back to the barn instead of walking. We each got a cookie from completing the maze. Austin also got a chocolate waffle on a stick while I ate pulled pork nachos. We sat on the hill to watch the 1 pm Pumpkin launch. They have one powerful cannon shooting the van hourly!

We headed back home after that. Austin had fun and said that it was a good day. It was until a tire blew about 11 minutes from home. While waiting for the tow truck the car battery also died. I told the driver this so he could load the car properly. Benny showed up just as we were pulling away so he followed us to the tire shop. They charged $57 for the tire! Benny had to go find a bank because they were both cash only but he'd gotten lost and took forever to return. It took two vehicles hooked up to my car with jumper cables a while to finally get it started again.

If it wasn't for the car trouble Saturday would have been a perfect day with Austin.  I don't hear him having much fun anymore since Benny never seems to want to go anywhere.  Now that I found something new Austin enjoys I need to find more mazes for us to visit!

How do you get your teen boys outside when they're not into sports?


  1. This looks like such a fun Fall-themed race!! So sorry about your car troubles on the way home though! That stinks! At least it didn't happen on the way to the race!

  2. This looks like such a fun race! I've still yet to visit Austin but would love to someday! *-* Sorry to hear about your car troubles, but I'm glad that got taken care of! (At least it was on the way back and you didn't have to worry about missing the race? :D?)

  3. This sounds like such a fun event, especially with part of it being in a cornfield and getting a pumpkin plus cider at the end! What a great fall race, I wish we had something similar near here.

  4. What a fun Fall-themed race! Too bad about all you car issues but it is a great thing this happened after the race and not before!

  5. Looks like the perfect fall race! How fun to get a pumpkin at the end!

  6. What a fun fall race! And 2,000 people is a lot of people!

  7. We have a pumpkin run near us that draws a huge crowd too. It's so much fun to celebrate the season with so many other runners.

  8. That sounds like a fun day! I get lost in corn mazes too - I guess that's part of the fun. It can be hard to find things to do with teenage boys, but it's great that he did this with you.

  9. That's a great way to jump start your fall fitness Cassi!

  10. I am doing the great pumpkin run in Maryland next month. Can't wait.

  11. This looks like it was a lot of fun.. with a lot of people. Great job!
