
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Where Have All the Pounds Gone? - Tai Cheng Week 8 COMPLETE

(The music to Paula Cole's Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? playing in my head)

It's official!  I've met my first goal - 10% (25 lbs) of me is gone!  With my Tuesday evening weigh in at Weight Watchers I'd lost the exact amount needed to reach my 10% goal.  I put my running man (from the Live Life Active Challenge) and my 25 lb weight on the 10% ring, both of which I received at the meeting.

WW Charms
The next goal I've set for myself is to reach 20% (of my starting weight) by my birthday.  Seeing that it took 14 weeks to reach 10% I need to bump things up a bit to cut off 4 weeks.  Since I do the Tai Cheng in the mornings before work I'm thinking I'll ride the exercise bike in the evenings.  For how long should I ride each evening to help reach this goal?  Or, should I just stick to what I'm doing since it's working, reaching the 20% early October instead?  These are what I must think about.  Please leave any suggestions you may have.

I'm still not able to ninja my hands back while in the pike position.  Dr. Cheng is always saying that the pike/plank builds up your core.  My core may be fine but I don't have the upper body strength to do it.  I've never had upper body strength.  Back in high school I wasn't able to do the chin ups or pull ups so there's no way I could be doing that now.  Is weightlifting the best way to build upper body strength so I won't be so shaky?

The combos flowed well this week.  I'm so ready to put them all in sequence next week. I just don't feel the buzz in my fingers at the end of the last move.



  1. Congratulations on the 10%. That is a huge achievement and you should be so proud. You seem to be asking the right questions in order to meet your next 10% goal. You go girl :)

  2. Tremendous job reaching your 10% goal! And what a smart way to lose weight through diet and exercise! Keep up the good work

  3. Congrats on reaching the 10% goal. I don't think I would do anything to try to speed up your weight loss if you are making progress on your current program. I think Weight Watchers is an excellent program for most people. It has worked for me --- several times ;-) Weight training probably could improve your upper body strength and has the bonus of being important for bone health. If you can afford it, it is probably worth the expense to have at least several sessions with a certified personal trainer because using proper form is important for results and to avoid injury. Thanks for sharing your journey.
    (Found this post on BHB).

    1. I haven't had anyone say that I should do anything to speed up the loss so I don't think I'm going to do anything different until the 90 days are up and I go on to the next program.

      I didn't know that weight training was good for bone health!

  4. Congratulations on the goal and good luck with the next leg of it! Using a blog for something like this is great, because you (and we) get to watch your journey more concretely. I have trouble with upper body strength, too, and it shows when I try certain poses in yoga. I find I get better if I at least take the risk and try a pose that's really hard. If I can just do it for a second then I know I can improve on it later. Maybe varying exercises a little, like adding in weights, will help get you there?

  5. Congratulations on your wonderful goal. The first 10% seems like the hardest to loose. I have faith that you can reach your birthday goal. :-)

    1. To me this 10% has been easy. I hardly feel like I've done anything!

  6. Definitely want to bump up! Because sometimes you plateau and you don't want to remain stagnant. Have you tried juicing or taking in smoothies. I started doing this (for overall health not necessarily detox) and I notice my stomach being flatter. You can check out some good recipes at Dr. Oz

    1. No, I don't have a juicer.

      I just can't bring myself to the idea of leafy greens in a drink.

  7. Congratulations. That's an amazing accomplishment. It's wonderful that you are sharing and acting as an inspiration for others.

  8. Congratulations! That is awesome!!! I know you can reach your new goal too!!!! You have the support of the blogging community. The only thing I will warn against is cutting down the time you plan to lose a certain amount of weight. Generally, the more you weigh, the quicker you drop pounds. This is why many people see a large amount of weight loss then feel like they have fallen in a rut and aren't seeing results which leads them to want to give up. As you lose more weight, you will see that the numbers aren't dropping as quickly. Don't get discouraged by this. Just know that it takes patience. Maybe set a goal of lossing 10% of your current weight when you hit your 10% point and working downwards like that rather then trying to lose an equal amount in a shorter amount of time. This isn't to discourage you by any means. In fact, losing 20% total is achievable in that time frame. I've just seen so many people get their hopes up and then lose motivation when the numbers aren't showing. You could also step off the scale and plan to lose by how you feel about yourself or your waist size. Sometimes these are a more motivational way to lose.

    1. Updated/clarified to reflect the % being of my starting weight not an additional 20% after reading this. Thanks Mary!

  9. Awesome!! It really takes commitment to change, and to hold on to that goal for a prolonged period. I am sure Mary could give you lots of tips given her blogs depth of knowledge, so I will not throw in my voice on weight loss or muscle gain. However, one thing I recently learnt which I think is key to measuring weight loss is using a tape measure instead of or in addition to scales. Scales can be deceptive and if you are gaining muscle (its heavier than fat) then you may not think you are losing weight. So a tape measure used (mid arm, mid leg, stomach, hips) gives you another measure of how you are progressing (bear in mind it too can be slightly inaccurate unless done right).

    This is a great tape measure for these types of things which I think you can get on Amazon

    1. I'm doing monthly measurements. After the first month of Tai Cheng I lost

      2.25 inches off my hips
      1 inch off my arms
      3 inches off my bust
      .5 inches off my thighs

  10. Cassandra,

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I remember how elated I was when I hit my 10% goal in WW and received my key chain. I have since stopped going to meetings but always remember the tools I learned from the program. Keep up the great work.

  11. Cassandra, congratulations! I need to lose weight, myself. It's a hard road to travel. You asked about how long you should ride your exer-cycle. Mine doesn't work anymore but I will be getting a new one soon. I was riding the old one for one half-hour. However, that length of time was eased into. I started with 15 minutes for about a week, then raised that by 5 minutes each week until I reach the 30 minute mark.

    1. I actually tried riding the bike this weekend. That only lasted about 5 minutes. Just from a low speed my heart was pounding.

  12. Congrats, happy for you! Good luck with your next goal.

  13. Congratulations on reaching your first goal! I'm sure it's a difficult process but you sound determined. Good for you! Eventually it will become part of your lifestyle and you won't even think about it any more.

  14. That's amazing Cassandra!Keep up the great work. Losing 25 lbs is a huge achievement, and it's always great to see your progress and know that your hard work pays off.

  15. Congrats on reaching your goal! Such a big accomplishment! Thanks for linking up! :-)

  16. I'm doing WW too. I've been using the online tools and the phone app this time around and it has really made a difference. I've done better on my tracking and lost more weight than I have in previous times when I've been on WW. I also downloaded an app to track my weight daily. It gives me a little graph, so I can clearly see my progress. That has been a lot more motivating for me because I can see a trend rather than just a once a week weigh in that might be on a good day or a bad day.

    1. Tracking is crucial to making yourself accountable in the weight loss journey. In the WW meetings you often hear the joy in members' voices when they've realize that tracking makes such an improvement.

      We had bought a scale and tried the daily weighing but come to find out my scale was way off the one they use at WW. So now my scale just sits there collecting dust.

  17. Congrats on losing 25 pounds! That's awesome!!
