
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weight Watchers & Tai Cheng Journey - Phase 3 Complete

I've made it to the 16 week mark with Weight Watchers! Another charm to add to my ring.  When everything is all said and done I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these charms.  Fellow Weight Watchers meetings members, what are you doing with your charms?
WW 16 Weeks Charm
I was up .4 lbs this week and mostly attribute that to the weather.  This daily rain keeps me from my gardening so I'm not getting in that extra little bit of exercise.  I did try riding the exercise bike but only lasted about 5 minutes; my heart pounded so much when I was exerting so little.

Finally convinced Benny to buy the romaine lettuce.  It's SO much better than iceberg!  No aftertaste whatsoever so I'm not burping up romaine all day like I did with iceberg.  Benny can keep the iceberg for himself; I'm sticking with romaine.

Workout Weeks 7-9

Every time a phase is complete I wonder what challenges await me on the next Neural Reboot.  Each time Dr. Cheng introduces a new area of foam rolling.  Since the last time we started the rotator cuff I'm assuming it'll be another upper body location.  I still barely feel any pressure on my shoulder blade.  I have had issues when I twist a certain way but those pains have been at the top not the back.

DVDs 7-9
One side of me isn't as balanced as the other.  I noticed during Sequence 3 I'd wobble a little during the rolling kick.  The wobble seemed to alternate legs each day so I couldn't say which truly had this problem.  I'll have to monitor this more closely when doing this sequence again in week 11.

This next phase is different than the previous ones.  First of all there are 4 weeks instead of 3.  Secondly, no more static moves; I'll strictly be working on the sequences.  I'm so ready for these sequences to be together so everything will be one fluid motion.

This next phase also marks decision time.  What program should I try next?  It's crunch time and I must make a decision over the next month.  If you have any recommendations please leave a comment; I'll see if the library has the program and will check it out.

I watched the first DVD from Slim in 6 and it doesn't look too bad.  Since I don't have all the extras checking the DVDs out from the library I'm just not sure what the schedule is supposed to be between the three speeds - Start, Ramp, & Burn.  I looked at the auto-schedule on the Team Beachbody's Supergym but it didn't really make sense to me.  "Start It Up!" is only used for Day 1.  The rest of the first two weeks is "Ramp It Up!".  The last four weeks is "Burn It Up!".  No where does the schedule mention the other two portions on each DVD - "Slim & 6-Pack" and "Slim & Limber".  I thought it would be 2 weeks of each speed with the other two tossed in.  I'm thinking that with this schedule I'll get bored.

I've also checked out a couple of Shaun T's DVDs from the library - "Hip Hop Abs: Hips, Buns, & Thighs" and "Rockin' Body".  I'm still way down on the list to get "Hip Hop Abs: Fat Burning Cardio; Ab Sculpt; Total Body Burn; Secrets to Flat Abs".  Just watching clips of Shaun T's various programs exhausts me so I'm sort of afraid of these workouts.


  1. Wow it takes a lot of dedication and discipline to do this well. Congratulations and keep it up :)

  2. Am so lucky I inherited mummy's genes and never put on weight. My brother sometimes mutters that it's unfair that he inherited daddy's genes and puts on weight.

    Sounds like you are making an admirable effort. Keep up the good work and don't stop what you are doing!!

    1. I used to be jealous of skinny people like you that didn't have to worry about their weight. ;) I wasn't a big girl then but I still felt that twinge of jealousy.

      Can't even think about stopping now!

  3. You are a true inspiration as you have dedicated yourself to improve on your fitness and you are still continuing with your program. Don't worry too much about Shaun T and his programs unless that is what you want to do. If you can reach smaller and easily attainable goals, you will feel a sense of success and push a little more. Keep up the good work!

  4. I am feeling a little lost as to what you are doing. Is this a combo with Weight Watchers and something else? Are you choosing from a list for your phases? Oh and I am glad you are doing well. :)

    1. Tai Cheng is my first exercise program; it lasts 90 days. I'm calling them phases since after each grouping you're doing something new and/or different in both the Neural Reboot and Tai Chi moves.

  5. I am terrified of Shaun T! I see the commercials and I think his DVDs look like an amazing workout and a good time but I think I would keel over a few minutes into it. I wish I had something to suggest for you.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one afraid of him! LOL I don't feel so bad now.

  6. I'm a big fan of yoga. I've tried Tai Chi but the stances were too hard - Qi gong is the much gentler version of Tai Chi and I love it. It has something in common with yoga. I'm not sure if yoga can help with weight loss but I can guarantee you that it helps with pain and helps balance your body and remove tightness in every muscle - the key though is to start with a small GENTLE yoga class and find a teacher who is willing to work one-on-one with you. Avoid by all means the gym yoga classes and hot yoga!

    1. I really haven't had too much difficulty getting into the stances. Sure, I may wobble a little bit but I still get there.

      There are so many different types of yoga out there I wouldn't know the difference between gentle and hot.

  7. I love that you're mixing it up. I get bored with my exercise and stop doing it...then it's nothing but trouble. By introducing new things you keep yourself engaged. Since our bodies can naturally fluctuate by 2 pounds I wouldn't worry about .4lbs.

    1. I'm very easily bored so I like that you're doing something a little different each week with Tai Cheng.

  8. You are extremely dedicated and the results will show as you know. You will have ups and downs and just remember to take them in stride. :-)

  9. Sounds like a busy plan you have going. And a new lettuce!! awesome. Before I moved to Europe I also only knew iceberg. There are so many other enjoyable ones - rocket for example, add some raw spinach (just like lettuce). I won't mention many more as I only know the German names!! curse of living here and discovering lettuce. Do you add any oil and balsamic vinegar? I know the idea is "no fat" but seriously no sugar is a bigger issue. And it helps with the salads no end :>

    1. You could give the German names and I could ask Benny about them, as he's from Berlin. No, I don't add any oil or balsamic vinegar; lettuce is for sandwiches only for the time being.

  10. It's inspiring that you're trying so many programs. I've been stuck in an exercise rut for too long now. It's time to add some variety.

  11. Cassi,

    Keep it up you will feel better in the end. Take the charms and put it on a charm bracelet. I use the The Bar Method for a workout because it doesn't rip at my joints. No matter what diet there is out there, it boils down to you have to burn more calories you take in. This needs to become a lifestyle or it will never stay off.

  12. Cassi -- I admire you for your journey. My weight has been up and down all my life. I reached my highest weight during my husband's long illness -- turned to food for comfort and zipped up to my greatest weight. I lost 40 pounds 2-1/2 years ago and it's something I have to watch constantly. My advice is not to think you're on a diet and once you reach your goal you can go back to your old way of eating and living.

    Find the foods you like -- NEVER eat anything you don't like because it's dietetic. Years ago I always ate a can of tuna fish for lunch. Didn't like it but did it. Now I never eat tuna fish. I've learned that you've got to do what works for you. Don't go on someone else's diet. Just like you wouldn't take someone else's vacation. Ask for our advice and then do what works for you. I really can't emphasize that enough.

    Congratulations on your progress so far -- and good luck on the rest of your journey.

    1. That's exactly why I never went on a diet before. I can't just eat something because it's dietetic (never heard of that word before). If I don't like something I just can't force myself to eat it. That's why I like this Weight Watchers eat what you want; it's all about portion control.

      I would take someone else's vacation though just to be somewhere different LOL.

  13. Congrats on your weight loss. That takes lot's of determination! Visiting from Sits!

  14. I'm glad to read a testimonial about Tai Cheng. I'm interested in doing it eventually. I'm hoping my husband will try it too. We have myriad nagging aches and pains between the two of us.

    WRT Slim In Six, you can do Start It Up! for several days if necessary. Progress to Ramp It Up! when you're comfortable. Burn It Up! will give you a good workout. You'd like Hip Hop Abs if you like dance-y workouts. It just lurve Shaun T :) I should own stock in Beachbody, lol.

    Stopping by from #SITSSharefest. Have a great weekend :)

  15. Do you only get the charms if you attend the meetings? I'm on WW and I do the weigh-ins, but I never stay for the meetings. Although I haven't gotten to the point where I would earn any charms (yet!)

    1. I wasn't sure so I asked about it. Yes, the charms should be given to you when you're just weighing in. Good luck!
