
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Slim in 6 with a New Identity

Another 3.6 lbs fell off this week so it's just under 14 lbs to go to be below 200 lbs!  I will have reached my second goal by the end of September.  I'm not sure where I should place my next two goal weights.  Do I just stick to 25 lb losses for the goals?

After Tuesday's weigh in I picked up a pair of sports bras and a belt.  They were all size XL!  I made sure I got a belt with many holes so I can continue to use it as I lose weight.  Today, I continued the bra shopping and bought a couple of regular bras - 2 band sizes smaller than my last known size!

Team Beachbody

Where is an industrial strength fan when you need one?  That's what I felt like during this first week of Slim in 6: Start It Up!  My face would be hot but my chest felt cold, assuming from sweating.  I've been so thirsty that most of my water is gone long before the workout is over.

The pain from starting a new workout didn't show up until bedtime Sunday night.  The aches continued for a few days and I looked like an old woman at work when I'd get up and walk after sitting for a little while.

I'm struggling with the arm movements.  I've always struggled doing anything with my arms elevated; my shoulders just don't want to cooperate.  Sometimes even brushing my hair I have to take breaks because I feel it in my shoulders.  I was glad when Debbie said to put your arms down if they were tired; definitely taking advantage of that!

Here are some tips I received to work on my shoulders:

Along with the overheating I was feeling dizzy the first few days.  I was trying to follow Debbie's breathing when she said to inhale/exhale.  That just doesn't work for me.  Once I returned to normal breathing the dizziness dissipated.  I still felt a little weak so during the band/weights portion I sat on the edge of the couch to work my arms.

I didn't try the Slim & 6-Pack or Slim & Limber with any of this week's workouts.  I may try Slim & Limber  a couple of times next week.

New Venture, New Identity

This new program and new week was also marked by me signing up to be an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  "Life as We Live" was already taken on Facebook so I had to come up with a new name to make everything consistent.  This blog is a part of this new venture but it won't be overrun by it.

The Long and Winding Road to Wellness
Photo Credit: iman Khalili via Compfight cc

That is all I plan to say about it here.  Should you wish to know more or follow this blog or business on Facebook or Twitter please click the links below.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Hi Cassandra:
    Congratulations on your Wellness commitment! I think it's wonderful that you are taking charge and I wish you all the best on your journey to a new YOU. For the pain at night - taking ibuprofen and using a warm compress helped me. Just keep going at it and your strength will build up in no time.

    1. I know technically you're not supposed to but I've gone to sleep with the heating pad on me all night before.

  2. Nice blog. Your story is inspiring to many. Keep up the great work.

  3. You go girl. For the dizziness, I found Cliff Bloks help and sport beans by jelly belly (you can probably find both of these in a sports or running store) If you have a wegman's they carry Cliff Blok - the package says take 4 - I take one.

    FYI: anytime you lift your hands up over your head you are raising your blood pressure but the more you do it the more your body will learn to work with it. And then of course you can talk to your doctor about it ;)

    Keep it up!

    1. Now that you've said it I realized I haven't been in a sports store since starting my journey. Not that I went there much before but there might be more options for me now.

  4. Seems things are going well Cassi, hat off to you. There are always ups and downs, but to be consistent and follow your chosen path is awesome. Good luck with the new venture, ashley

  5. Congratulations! You are making awesome progress! I think you have two options when it comes to setting your next two goals. Remembering that the more you lose, the more time it will start to take to lose weight, you could continue setting 25 pound losses as goals, but I would start to lengthen the time you allow yourself to lose this weight. But because we are humans and we like to see results and we like to see them fast--not to mention nothing is more motivating then hitting our goals--you may want to keep with the same amount of time you allow yourself to reach your goal, but instead lower the amount of weight you want to lose. This way you don't get discouraged. Either way, keep up what you are doing because you are doing an amazing job!!!

    1. The birthday goal was calculated based on what I was losing. I'm not sure that I want to continue to set goals based on dates, just the pounds or percentages.

  6. Hi Cassandra, You are to be commended. As a scrawny teen, I wanted to be like Charles Atlas. I continually read about him, and dreamed about becoming a body builder. Well, I decided to do something about my, ugh, body. I joined a local gym, and began my trek. The rigorous program prepared for me, was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Little by little, I began to notice a change. Bottom line, I became a body builder. I never gave up. You come across, as a very determined person. Can not wait for your next report, regarding your personal program. Continue to inspire. Blessings.

  7. It is so wonderful that you are on the road to continued success. Some of the tips you received are great. Keep up the great work!

  8. You are such an inspiration to so many people, myself included. I have always struggled with my weight and have tried many different weight loss plans. You are proof that anyone can make the change they need.

  9. Congratulations Cassi what you are doing is phenomenal and hard work.

  10. I've been away for a few weeks, but it's great to know you are still making great progress.

  11. I'm inspired! Losing weight, getting fit, etc is a difficult journey for many. I find that just making the commitment of time has gotten in the way but I'm definitely feeling galvanized by the excitement you are experiencing as you reach your goals. Keep Going and Congrats!

    1. I replaced my morning computer time with exercise. I was already getting up at 6 am so it wasn't too difficult to adjust. My husband said I was doing it first thing in the morning so I didn't have any excuse later on in the day LOL

  12. Don't give up. For pain I use Devils Claw which is an herbal supplement for inflammation. For the dizziness and headaches I use Head-Q by Health Concerns which is a Chinese herbal substance. Since I have both using both I no longer use any other non-prescription drug for pain or headaches. We are all encouraged by your tenacity.

  13. Congratulations on staying on track with your weight loss! It takes hard work and discipline to keep focused, and it sounds like you're determined. That's half the battle. It must be rewarding to see the results of your efforts, too. Keep pumping away - you can do it!

  14. I love buying clothes in smaller sizes - those are definite NSVs!

  15. Congrats on the loss and the smaller sizes! That always feels good!

  16. Wow!! I'm so impressed! That is AMAZING. I bet it felt fantastic to go down TWO band sizes!! You are getting it done! What an inspiration!! --Lisa

  17. I hope you will keep in submitting new articles or blog posts & thank you for sharing your great experience among us.

  18. You have enormous commitment! If i started feeling dizzy I would have given up pronto! You are inspiring :)
