
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Slimmer Week 2

This week's weigh in was a little disappointing.  The previous gains I had were under 1 lb so it wasn't a big deal. This time I'd gained 2.2 lbs!  I've pretty much attributed it to the combination of TOM and Slim in 6 working new muscles.  After all my head is dripping with sweat every day.

Benny took my monthly measurements this week.  I've lost .5 inches off my hips and 2.5 inches off my waist this past month!  Since starting the measurements in May I've lost a total of:

3.5 inches off my hips
1 inch off my arms
3.5 inches off my waist
4.5 inches off my bust
.5 inches off my thighs

I received my Tai Cheng shirt in the mail this week from logging my results.  It feels like a lighter weight material than normal t-shirts yet the tag says it's 100% Cotton.  Perhaps because it's Ringspun that's what makes it different.

This week Benny said my stomach looked smaller.  Of course I can't see the difference even looking in the mirror.  I can only see my shrinkage by the way clothes fit on me.  How long does it take before your eyes and brain make the connection that you do look different?

Weird pains/pressure appeared Thursday afternoon while sitting at my desk at work.  It stayed more towards my right side where I've had a history of pain.  Perhaps it just wanted a final goodbye and just made a big deal out of it.

This crazy weather we're having brought on one of my sinus headaches.  For a brief spell Excedrin Sinus Headache was the only thing that took care of these.  I haven't seen these pills in the stores for several years so I just have to suffer through the pain until it passes.

Start It Up! was easier this second week.  I could've used 5 lb weights instead of 3 lbs as the resistance portion seemed too easy this time around.  Having the resistance band that comes with probably would feel like more of a challenge too.  I do the bicep curls a lot faster than they are on the DVD and am not feeling my muscles working.

I never took a sneak peak at Ramp It Up! so I don't know what's in store for me the next two weeks.  I'm sure I'll work some new area and be sore the first few days but it's all worth it.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Good going. I also find it impossible to look at myself and see if I've lost or gained weight on a week to week --- or even month to month basis. I did Weight Watchers last summer and lost 12 pounds altogether, about 7 of which are still off. We're going on a trip to New Mexico at the end of September. I know I always gain weight on vacation, so I'd like to shave off a few pounds before we leave.Good for you for coordinating your diet with an exercise program. I really need to add that component.

    1. I probably wouldn't continue to lose weight if I wasn't doing some kind of exercise program, even just walking.

  2. I find that when I lose weight I do not see it. I can only see it with my clothes like you said. When I see friends that I haven't seen in awhile they seem to notice but not me.

  3. Looking good Cassi! Keep up the good work. You may be gaining muscle from all the exercising. It's all good! Keep at it...

  4. Good work Cassi. Like you and Elizabeth, I notice weight loss through clothes. We see ourselves too regularly to notice differences day to day. Glad to hear the Start It Up is working for you, I'm looking forward to September so I can start playing soccer on my mom's league again. It's a fun way to get some exercise in every week. Do you like any team sports?

    1. No, I've never participated in any team sports. I've never heard of a mom's sports league before.

  5. Cassi...wishing you the very best on your weight loss journey! I too notice weight loss/gain in my clothes, for the most part. I lost a great deal of weight (close to 100 lbs) 10 years ago, just as you are doing now, with a combination of careful eating and exercise, including both weightlifting and aerobic workouts. Lately I have gotten into CrossFit, which is just fun for me, and fast. I get a good workout in 1/2 hour! However, I say, whatever works for exercise is the right thing for you. Hang in there! At your next weigh in I bet you are down 4 lbs!

  6. Yaaaaay Cassi! Sorry about the gain, but you look GREAT! I can definitely see the difference!

  7. I don't know why you are disappointed, you lost! That's great! I have plateaued - I haven't gained any back but would like to lose 5 more lbs before my physical in November.

    You're doing great, keep it up.

    1. How long have you been on your plateau? Are you drinking plenty of water?

  8. Wow congratulations on such wonderful progress. There is nothing to be disappointed about. You didn't gain weight overnight and Rome wasn't built in a day. Remember to keep moving forward. :-)

    1. I don't think I've heard the Rome analogy with weight gain before ;)

  9. Keep it up Cassandra, you look great. Don't be discouraged. Remember, it's going to take time and continuous effort.

  10. Yay for muscles, even if it does mean a couple of pounds were gain this week. Look who many inches you've lost.

  11. Casi- I wouldn't focus on the number on the scale. The fact you are losing inches is wonderful. You are looking good and hopefully one day you will be pain free.

  12. I have said it before Cassi, ignore the scales. They will only make you crazy!! ok, use them, but they don't tell you the whole story. I also weigh about 10lbs more than before my ski accident, and some of it is fat. But I have also been working out a lot, lifting weights I have never lifted (bench press more than my body weight!! crazy I think) and that certainly tips the scales. I am focusing more on low carbs and slow carbs like beans. Down to zero sugar in my coffee on most days. I am also buying a Fit Bit, you should check them out!! shows you how many steps you do each day (so you can do more and motivate yourself) as well as calories! just clip it on something you wear and off you go.

    Keep up the great work

    1. I'd thought about getting something like a Fit Bit but decided to wait until I hit a plateau and use that to help overcome it.

  13. I continue to be inspired by your journey! I've always heard that losing inches was just as good as pounds during various parts of the journey, stay encouraged!

    1. As long as SOMETHING is lost that's what matters! It could even be losing a bad habit (i.e. stuffing your face all the time).

  14. I love taking measurements - I think they definitely show more of a change then weight sometimes. Congrats! You are doing awesome :)

  15. The weight loss isn't as telling as your inch loss and that is - well -congratulations. You said your clothes are looser too so all that, inches loss and clothes looser means you are successful on the slimmer journey.

  16. You're so determined, I love it. I find that my jeans tell me when I've lost or gained weight, better than any scale. If you're losing that many inches off stubborn areas like waist and butt, well, you must be doing something right. Great tshirt, too. You look terrific!!

  17. Just keep going. Don't give up. Our bodies are different every day. A weight gain of 2 lbs. may not be "real." Maybe you ate something with more salt than usual the day before and you're retaining water. As my Weight Watchers teacher said many years ago to me, "learn to forgive yourself." Don't blame yourself every time you gain a little weight, or eat an extra helping of food. Just get back on track. I should know, I've been down this road myself. It's never easy and it won't get any easier. You just need to believe in yourself, that you're likeable and the same person whether you weigh 100 pounds more or less. You may be doing this for your heath and/or appearance but you are still the essential you.

  18. Even though the scale isn't moving, you are definitely losing just judging by those inches! Wonderful job!

  19. You are so inspiring! Keep up the amazing work :)

    AJ | TheAJMinute
