
Monday, August 26, 2013

Halfway to Slim

Believe you can and you're halfway there. -- Theodore Roosevelt

I searched for a collection of quotes about something being halfway completed but really didn't find anything good. Most of what I saw had to do with AA and being sober. I just couldn't figure out how to tie these things into fitness.  If you have a favorite quote on this topic, please post it in the comments.

This week I weighed in with a 3 lb loss so I made up for last week's 2.2 lb gain!  I hope that means my body is figuring how how to adjust to Slim in 6.  I sure don't want to start seeing yo-yo gains and losses and not reach my goal to be under 200 lbs by the end of September.

Ramp It Up! is definitely a kick in the rear compared to Start It Up!  For one it's about 20 minutes longer. Then there's just a lot more of EVERYTHING!  You're really working your core with this DVD.  I'm kind of scared what I'll have to do when I get to Burn It Up! So glad I start on Sundays so I could call in Monday if I overdo it!

There are standing opposite oblique crunches where you kind of look like Shaun T.  Who knew there was such a vast array of crunch styles period?! Squats are Debbie's absolute favorite thing to do.  With a few of the squats you're doing some sort of kick when you stand up. One of these kicks makes you look like Billy Blanks (Tae Bo).  I actually tried to demonstrate this to a coworker and there was a loud POP from my hip and a sharp, sudden pain. That hadn't happened before or since.  Needless to say I've had to do a modified version of just about everything this week.

With the last portion of Ramp It Up! (stretching/cool down) you're doing a little yoga.  Exalted warrior, proud warrior, up dog, down dog...a few others whose name I can't remember.  I'm sorry yoga fans but I just don't get it.  I thought you feel something when doing yoga....something being stretched.  Me, I feel's like I'm standing there looking silly.

What I struggled with this week was keeping my temperature down.  You know the feeling when it's so hot outside you just can't get anything done?  Well, I'm experiencing that every day of Ramp It Up!  I've tried using a wet towel instead of a dry one.  I've wet my shirt and even taken it off, only wearing my exercise bra and shorts.  I've even poured some of my ice water on myself.  All these have been done standing under my ceiling fan trying to catch a breeze.  Nothing is helping to keep me cool.  Some days I can feel it slowing my workout down.

How do you keep from overheating during your workout?

In case anyone is interested, we're having a water and walking challenge starting now.  No soda or other sugary drinks or coffee.  No fast food or junk food.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. There are just days that are too hot to be cool. The best thing to do is just to push through and then take a cool shower! I feel for you :(

    But good job keeping on :)

    AJ | TheAJMinute

  2. You're so right.. there are no quotes about being halfway there.. I just wasted 20 minutes on Pinterest and looking, lol!

    I like this water challenge idea :)

    1. LOL I first did a Swagbucks search (got 15 SB doing that) and then looked on Pinterest...found less on Pinterest.

  3. "If you're going through hell, keep going." ~Winston Churchill
    “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ― Confucius

    I like to run, so I'll run in the mornings during summer. Gotta say, the other day it was hot and humid and I did a terrible run. I practically collapsed on my floor when I got home. I can't say I realized I was going to overheat but there was a point I stopped, sat in the shade for a bit then walked the rest of the way home. Funny enough, on my next run day - I had my best time ever. Go figure.

  4. Cassi- Here is the quote: Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt

    Keep it up.

  5. I admire your steadfast determination to reach a healthy goal. As far as quotes about something being halfway completed, the one that comes to mind is this Buddhist quote from the writings of Nichiren Daishonin: "The journey from Kamakura to Kyoto takes twelve days. If you travel for eleven but stop with only one day remaining, how can you admire the moon over the capital?"

    1. That's a great quote that can be applied in many situations!

  6. There's a difference between feeling hot and heat exhaustion. You definitely shouldn't be "working through" the latter. They changed practice rules for NFL football teams after a few players collapsed and died while "working through" heat exhaustion. I honestly don't know how you tell the difference, but all of you who are feeling very affected by the heat, please do some research so you can recognize the signs. BTW, congratulations on your progress. I've just finished a week back on the Weight Watchers program although I'm not officially doing it. I don't even have a scale where I am, but I could tell I was drifting up in weight by my clothes and the fact that I was reaching for cookies and potato chips. I was also introduced to a phone app called "Map My Walk". Using GPS, it maps your route and tells you how far you walked. I find it very motivating. Today I did a 3.25 mile beach walk---actually 3.26 ;-)

    1. Have you used My Fitness Pal? You could use it as your unofficial Weight Watchers tracker for your food and activity.

      I've seen several people enjoying the Map My Walk app. I just need a new phone and some place to walk before I can download any new apps.

  7. I can not tell you how happy I am that you are 1/2 way there. Be very careful with maintaining a healthy temperature. :-)
    I have started to walk again each and every day and I love the feeling I get.

  8. Thanks for the comment! Beachbody is great isn't it!

  9. I love the walking and water challenge. That is something I might need to do. I am always wanting to get more active but also always have a great excuse not to. I need to kick myself in the butt.

  10. Woohoo!!! Congrats on being halfway to your goal! You're doing great! :-)

  11. You are flying THROUGH this weight loss thing! Congrats on how far you've made it thus far! The walking and water challenge is great as well! It's a great way to get you started on those goals you have!

  12. Congrats on being halfway there! Continue to push through and I will be cheering you on!

  13. What a great place to be, half way there. Congrats.

    As for keeping cool,lots of water, the air-conditioning goes goes up or the door opens, but if nothing works, I stop. Passing out is definitely not a good weight loss aid. :)

    1. Benny says it's not the AC but the roof/attic holding the heat. All I know is it's too darn hot!

  14. When I jog, I always bring water with me. It seems to do the trick. If a wet towel isn't working, maybe there are some kind of ice packs designed for workouts? I see all kinds of interesting stuff at REI all the time.

    1. My 16 oz of water (with ice) is usually gone before the workout is done. I looked on REI's website but don't really see anything that'd work.

  15. It's 100 degrees all summer where I live so I totally understand how hard working out can be when you're worried about overheating. I drink lots of water and take a break when I feel overheated. But it gets easier as you get used to it, too!

  16. Great job, keep up the good work but stay healthy too! Sometimes if it is very hot and humid it's best to stay inside.

  17. Good for you! I have rediscovered iced tea after giving up soda. I do put a spoonful of sugar in mine but I figure compared to the 17 teaspoons that are in a soda, it's nothing. The exercise is the piece that isn't happening for me. I was supposed to go to Zumba this morning with my friend and instead we ended up going to the Farmer's Market instead of exercise - fail! But I'm down by 20 since December.

    1. I too have to put a spoonful or two of sugar in my tea.

      You walked the Farmer's Market right? So there was still some exercise!

  18. Loving your drive to continue to persevere. Kee it up!

  19. Having just returned from holidays and putting on a few kilos, I appreciate the inspiration you provide. You are very dedicated and it is great motivation for me :)

  20. Is it possible that the heat you're feeling is your revved up metabolism? If it's possible, maybe you should find an air conditioner to stand near when you're working out. I agree there's nothing worse than that feeling of melting from the heat! Stick to water for hydration - I rarely drink anything else, and it's one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Pretty soon, you won't want to drink sodas!

    1. The central air just isn't cutting it. My husband says the roof/attic is holding in the heat so there's no chance to cool off. I've had less than 1 can of soda since March!
