
Friday, August 30, 2013

Sweating Away the Pounds

I managed to lose another 2 lbs despite the heat!  So now there's just 11+ lbs to go for me to weigh under 200 lbs!
This week was another scorcher with the temperature in my house at 77-79°F when I'm working out.  So I know I was doing Ramp It Up! half-assed but half is better than none, right? LOL  It cools off a little bit next week so I'm hoping I'll be back to full steam.
At one point Debbie says that Steve looks like Ronnie Reagan.  I can only assume that she means the former president.  I managed to pause the DVD, snap a picture of Steve with my phone, and resume working out.  Do you see the resemblance?  Would you mention it when you're filming a DVD?

Reagan Photo Credit: Pictr One X via Compfight cc

Burn It Up! is a little longer than Ramp It Up! so I'm hoping I can get it all in the next two weeks.

Pretty Strong Medicine
This post is short and early because I won passes to WARMfest, a $30 gift card to Broad Ripple Brewpub, and a night stay at the Hilton Garden Inn.  I've only ever heard of 3 of the bands playing but I think this will be an interesting experience.
Those of you in the US, what are you doing this Labor Day weekend?


  1. Congrats on losing weight. You will lose that 11 pounds in no time I'm sure. Steve might slightly look like Ronnie but only in a general way.

  2. Way to go on the loss! They say water is the key to weight loss, so I'll bet you're drinking a LOT in this heat. (Do trips to the bathroom count as exercise?)

    Ronnie? Maybe the hair, but that's about it. How was your stay at Hilton Garden Inn?

    1. It was nice to relax over the weekend. The Hilton was having issues with their elevators so there were times we had to wait a while. We weren't about to walk up to the 13th floor; that's just too far! I rode the resistance bike at the hotel Sunday morning.

  3. You are kicking butt and taking names!
    GET IT GIRL!!!

  4. Great job on the loss! I wonder if she meant Ronnie Reagan (the president's son). Google him. I can see that resemblance.

    The concert event looks like a lot of fun! Lots of good artists I can see! Hope you have a great time!

    1. I didn't think about the Reagan children (they were all born before my parents LOL) so I didn't even consider it.

  5. Good job with the loss! When it is too hot out I do not even want to think about working out.

    Thanks for linking up - hope you had a great weekend!

  6. I admire your tenacity. So many of us give up the fight. Even when you get to your desired weight don't stop. Keep exercising as you are working the muscle we call the heart.

  7. Way to go with the weight loss. I'm nearing the under 200 mark too, about 15 pounds away. I look forward to reading more about your journey as I begin mine (again).

  8. WOW!! Congratulations on your weight loss! Way to go!! I think he looks like Ronald Reagan's son, Ronnie! --Lisa

  9. You are still going strong. How fabulous.
    I always find that heat helps me to lose weight. Maybe even if you are going half arsed, it may be the heat that is helping you along too.
    Keep on going the way you have. You are doing so well.
