
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Body Gospel Week 3 in ONEDERLAND

At my weekly weigh in I dropped another 4.2 lbs, just 1 lb shy of my 50 lb goal!  I can see ONEDERLAND!  In fact, if you follow this blog on Facebook you would've seen that I hit this the very next day when I had blood work done.  What a difference 6 months makes!

Here's to my official weigh in Tuesday night being in ONEDERLAND!

Image courtesy of stockimages /

This week I did Gospel Glory, Power & Praise, Core Revelations & Stretch in the Spirit, Strength & Spirit, and Body Revival & Core Revelations.  The Core and Stretch combo exerted the least energy (about the same as I do emptying the dishwasher).  This week was also different because my rest day was scheduled as Friday instead of Saturday.  Next week it's on a different day.

Monitoring my workouts this week:
  • Body Gospel & Core Revelations ended up being the longest workout, probably because of the pause switching from one video to the next.  Otherwise Strength & Spirit would be considered the longest.
  • Core Revelations & Stretch in the Spirit was the shortest workout.  This resulted in me burning the least calories that day as proven by the average and max heart rates being the lowest.
  • I burned the most calories doing Strength & Spirit.
  • My average and max heart rate were the highest during Gospel Glory.

Our team is having a Beat the Treats Challenge starting October 28 to scare off some pounds and be trim for turkey time.  If you're interested in this challenge there will be a webinar Wednesday night with all the details.  Register here for the webinar.

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Keep it up! I lose 15 pounds this year, and I feel great, however, I still have to take pills for my blood pressure, but is better than 2 years ago. I need to lose 6 more pounds, and I'll be in a healthy weight.

    1. Great job on your loss! Blood pressure can be a tricky beast to tame.

  2. You're one pound away, keep it up! We're all so excited for you. I am wondering though, how come the HDL went down? That's the good cholesterol, are you eating nuts?

    1. The tech didn't seem concerned that the HDL went down. I don't eat nuts very often.

  3. You will be looking mighty fine when it comes to Turkey time. Well done!

    1. Then I cook the turkey for just the two of us (Austin will only eat a little of it). That big bird lasts a while! LOL

  4. Wow! Those stats are so impressive! You must be feeling great! We are all so excited for you...home stretch baby!

  5. You are doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work!

  6. Way to go Cassi!!!!!! One day I will actually lose weight especially with all of the work I put into it.

    1. You have so many challenges you're dealing with. Once one of those is fixed I'm sure you'll start seeing the losses.

  7. You're doing a great job! I'm seeking to do the reverse and put on a few pounds lol. I feel I'm too small for my age. Keep it up!

    1. Too small for your age LOL Never heard it worded that way!

  8. Your commitment is truly impressive and the stats you posted this week speak for themselves.

  9. As I always say you are such an inspiration to so many. What a wonderful job you are doing and the health benefits are showing and paying off. :-)

    1. Now if only I could get this sleep thing figured out I'd probably lose a lot more.

  10. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME job on making it into ONEderland!!!! If you were 199.8 at the DR office you are actually probably at least 3 less without your clothes & shoes, etc. !!!!! That is so exciting!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! Keep on truckin lady!!!! :)

    1. I actually did this at NIFS (National Institute for Fitness and Sport) with shoes off. My weigh ins at Weight Watchers are always with shoes on.

  11. Awesome!!!! Congratulations on ONEderland! I'm so proud of you!

  12. Amazing progress in 6 months! Congrats!

  13. Wow your stats are amazing. I have lost about 30lbs in the last 5 months but I still have more to go. :-)

  14. I have so far to go until I make it to ONEDERLAND, that I sometimes wonder if I'll ever get there. I never made it to "Threederland", so I guess that is something that I can be grateful for. Keep up the good work!

    1. My highest recorded weight at the doctor's office was about 270 lbs (June 2012) so I was pretty darn close to "Threederland". You just have to try different things to see what helps you. Last year we had eaten less pasta and more potatoes and rice; that's what Benny attributed to the 20 lb loss I had between June and November. Start with something small like that and see where it leads. Add a new thing when you hit plateaus.

      Slow and steady wins the race to a healthier you!

  15. Very inspiring for anyone who is looking to get fit and trim. As you said, to remember when you are in the muck of the process, "What a difference 6 months makes." Congratulations on your continuing journey.

    over from LinkedIn group BHB

  16. Wow! Good for you. I've started exercising again. Walking the hill inmy neighborhood. My goal? Keep doing it every morning. I'm taking the long term approach, just doing it.

  17. If you ever figure out the "sleep thing", please share how you do it. I could definitely use some pointers. Meanwhile, good work on taking off the pounds and strengthening your body --- despite the "sleep thing"!

    1. I'll definitely be sharing whatever I find works for this "sleep thing!"
