
Monday, October 21, 2013

Body Gospel Week 4 at GOAL #2

Well, my official weigh in didn't put me in ONEDERLAND....just .1 lbs shy.  There was no workout scheduled for Tuesday morning but I think if there had been it might've made it LOL.  I still reached a milestone anyway!

Images Courtesy of Stuart Miles |

Yes, that's 20% / 50 lbs of me gone since March.  This is the lightest I've been in over 7 years!  I got my 50 lb charm at the Weight Watchers meeting and added it to my collection.

This week during the Body Gospel workouts I had some weird tummy thing going on.  It never lasted much beyond the workouts so I have no idea what it was.  Then Friday afternoon I got a sore throat that I've been fighting with all weekend.  Tonight it turned into a cold as my nose keeps dripping.

This final week's workouts were Strength & Spirit, Power & Praise, Core Revelations & Stretch in the Spirit, and Body Revival. This morning doing Strength & Spirit I could feel the weakness setting in from the cold.  I was shocked to see that I'd burned so many calories even while feeling like crap!

Today was the final workout of the Body Gospel program.  I'm not sure what I'm doing between now and the Slim in 6 for the Holidays Challenge starting November 4.  Maybe I'll lay out all the DVDs and do the old "eeny, meeny, miney, mo" every day to see what workout I'll do each day LOL.

My Halloween costume is pretty much complete.  I just have to figure out how to do my hair, what to wear on my legs, and what shoes to wear.  It was suggested that I do a rockabilly hairstyle but most of those have bangs.  What are your thoughts?

A side by side comparison of last year vs this year...

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. Wow you look amazing Cassi!!! Congratulations! Coincidentally, I just started my weight loss journey and this is great motivation. I'm starting off on the 17 Day Diet and have a long long -deep sigh- way to go, kinda depressing to actually think about haha but you gotta crawl before you can walk right? Anyways, You look amazing, Keep up the great work :D

    Christal, your fellow SITSgirl ♥

    1. Glad to be a source of motivation! You definitely have to start somewhere. :)

  2. There is nothing as satisfying as SEEING how different we look after a journey like you are taking. You look terrific. Stay with it because - the best is yet to come.

    Over from LInkedIn group BHB

  3. Maybe you could have sailed past that 0.1 pound by exhaling all the way. Your journey has been impressive. I have the weight thing under control for now, but I am very shy of my fitness goals and I am definitely in "use it or lose it" territory. Is there a fitness program you would recommend for a somewhat out of shape 59 year old? My aerobic capacity is decent (kind of) in that I can walk fast for 3 miles, but I really need some weight training guidance and since I've already been diagnosed with osteoporosis by dexascan -- this is vital. (My bone density did improve after reclast infusions, but I know I need the weight training).

    1. Someone had a blog post yesterday about weight training so I sent it to you on G+.

      I asked about the programs we have for weight training - Les Mills Combat, Body Beast, P90X, and Chalene Extreme. I know you don't want to bulk up so Body Beast wouldn't be right for you. I'll send you the info on the others.

  4. I am SO impressed! You look fabulous! I love seeing this journey...thanks for being such a great inspiration:)

  5. Cassi you look great!!!! I'm so proud of you and the work that you are doing. You continually motivate me to keep going. Hard work and consistence pays off and it shows.

    1. I hear Dory saying, "Just keep swimming." Except with this cold I have right now I'm just not up to it.

  6. Absolutely LOVE the side by side. You look GREAT. :-)

  7. OMG Cassi - you look fantastic! I've been reading your posts over the past couple of months and how you've been disappointed with your progress. I suppose you need to reflect back far enough to see, you've had quite a journey. And I'm sure next week you'll be in onederland for another mini-celebration :)

  8. WOW you look AMAZING!!! For me it is hard to tell that I am loosing weight until someone I haven't seen in awhile mentions it.

    1. Thanks! I still can't see it in the mirror. I've only been able to visibly tell that I'm losing weight is when my clothes become loose.

  9. Wow you look stunning! Congratulations! This is a fantastic journey you are on and I applaud you for sharing it with us! More than anything I'm sure you are finding that as you stay committed, even when it seems you've hit a plateau, the best gift you are giving yourself and your loved ones is the gift of health and that is something to rejoice about! Bravo!

  10. Congratulations Cassi that is fantastic!!

    Kate | Diaries of a Essex Girl

  11. I love those charms from Weight Watchers and I love the side by side picture. I have been waiting to see a picture and now you gave it to me!

    1. It was an easy one to do with Halloween. Not sure if I have any other good pictures on Facebook to use for comparisons.

  12. Yay you! I'm glad that hit your goal. I'm going to have to read updated posts to see where you are now!
