
Sunday, October 27, 2013

ONEDERLAND with a Cold

It's finally official!

I dropped another 3.2 lbs this week.  Monday was a scheduled rest day as the last "day" of the Body Gospel program.  I took another rest day Tuesday.  Then Wednesday I just did Core Revelations but still felt weak.  Stupid colds.  The rest of the week I did a Leslie Sansone walking DVD.

I'd ordered the Slim in 6 program to use with the challenge starting November 4.  I'm going to try the bands this time around. Just not sure what kind of schedule I'm doing yet but I have one more week to figure that out!

Saturday I made a quick trip to Goodwill and picked up a couple of size 16 jeans that fit nicely.  It was annoying having to wash the darks every 3 days since I only had three pairs of pants.

I made today a rest day to get into the groove of starting Slim in 6 on a Monday.  Since I'm not doing anything new, just mixing up my existing programs, there shouldn't be any issues.  I was so bored today.  I went out into the garden this afternoon and pulled up the dead plants and dowel rods.  I used the weed whacker to chop up what I couldn't pull up.  This one deep root I used the pickaxe on to remove (well, I hope I got it all LOL).

Pretty Strong Medicine


  1. WOOT WOOT! YOU GO GIRL!! I'm looking forward to the Slim in 6 program :)

  2. Great job! Keep up the hard work. Getting too skinny for your pants is a good problem to have.

    I on the other hand can't find any pants that fit me since moving to Thailand in March. Being 6'2" is a bit of a problem here :)

    1. Sounds like you need sewing lessons while you're in Thailand on top of learning Thai!

  3. Wow you just keep breaking through each milestone. Time for a shopping spree. :-)

  4. Holy Moly! That's wonderful! Doing the happy dance WITH you!

  5. You are on a role with your results. Good for you - you deserve some new clothes.

    Over from LinkedIn GROUP BHB

  6. Go Cassi! Seriously you have been the reason why I have keep going even with no results. Reading you post every week help me stay motivated to keep going.

  7. Fantastic job and congrats on ONEderland! I'm so so happy for you! Great loss this week!

  8. Amazing loss & congrats on getting to the 100s - I remember getting there and it is an amazing feeling and accomplishment!

  9. Congrats one being in onederland!! Speaking of jeans... I should try to find some cheap jeans myself... only have 2 that fits nicely now :D...oh, sweet problem ;)

  10. Congrats on onederland! I have been thinking of getting some resistance bands to use.

  11. Congratulations on hitting this important milestone!!

  12. Did you say you're now a size 16? That's awesome. Good for you. It's inspiring to see how motivated you remain, even through your cold. I like that you went out into your garden when you got bored - there's always something to do there, I'm sure : ))

  13. You amaze me. When I am sick everything goes to hell, but you keep pushing through. Well done on getting down to a size 16, how exciting!
