
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2014 Goals

Image Courtesy of Vlado /

I know it's a little early to really start writing about next year's goals but I'm one that likes to read and skip ahead.  I'll continue adding to this list through the end of 2013 as needed.
  1. Continue to work towards reaching my goal weight.
  2. Sell or donate the clothes that are too big for me now.
  3. Meet new people (in person not just online).
  4. Partner with some places to host fit clubs.
  5. Make a social media schedule and stick to it so I'm not always on.
  6. Start making money with the Beachbody business to cover my expenses.
  7. Have $100 per week additional spending money.
  8. Have at least 2 blog posts every week.  (Need more guest posters!)
  9. Finish organizing and send out a monthly newsletter to subscribers (sign up on the sidebar).  (Sent in November & December)
  10. Upgrade my cell phone to something with better internal memory.  (Ordered a Samsung Galaxy Ring 12/31/13. Hope It works!  It really sucks!)
  11. Increase monthly page views from ~2000 to 5000.
  12. Decide what to do with Casually Cassi - keep separate or merge?  (No longer using Casually Cassi.  Any product reviews will appear here.)
  13. Add #TASTYTUESDAY featuring healthy recipes, mostly with others' guest posts but sometimes my own.  (Doing but not consistently.)
  14. Continue working on improving my overall health.
  15. Evaluate coaching certification programs to decide where I want to take this business.
  16. Find personal development programs that pique my interest (and keep it!).
Have you started writing out your goals for next year?


  1. Here's the goal that comes to my head: finish up with the present large project on which I am working, and make better project proposals in the future.

  2. You inspired me, I think I will give it a shot! Good Luck to you in all your endevours!

  3. I think it's the perfect time to start thinking of next year! These are some great goals!

  4. I'd like to make enough money selling Beachbody to cover my expenses too, even better if it would cover the 2 Shakeology home direct orders I get every month. I would also love to hear how you set up fit clubs, I really have no idea where to even look for locations!
    Good luck with your goals.

    1. I had wanted to set up a fit club with the mason's lodge behind our house but they never contacted Benny after he submitted the membership application.

  5. I love how you got great comments already! Those are clear and concise goals, and I can't wait to come back and see how you are doing--and you already have one done!

  6. Great goals, and great job getting the newsletter done already! Wishing you much success for the new year. I'm participating in the linky too so I'll be sure to cheer you on!

  7. Wonderful goals and I could get in my closet to donate a lot of clothes and other items. Thanks for reminding me.

  8. I should not forget sort my clothes too. I just got slimmer 15 kg now. Thanks for reminding. I wish you all the best.

  9. I like your goal of setting a social media schedule and sticking to it. I find I'm always on too and it's getting to be a bit much.

    1. It's getting to be a bit much for me also. If I can just get a schedule in place I think I'd stick to it.

  10. Good job on writing your goals ahead of time. Increasing your page views from 2000 to 5000 would really require hard work. But if you’re going to combine your resources, it may not be as hard to achieve it -- just make sure to keep them updated on a timely basis. How are you now, btw? I hope all your goals and plans are happening accordingly.

    Jean Bridges @ OnPage1
